Integrate some of the best JSON libs in Scala with Akka HTTP
- 7
Support for Pekko HTTP?
#780 opened by luksow - 2
possible to unmarshal generic subtypes?
#203 opened by evbo - 5
Cross-compile modules for Scala 3
#755 opened by DieBauer - 3
- 0
PlayJson: ToResponseMarshaller does not work when a Format[A] is given instead a Writes[A]
#659 opened by domdorn - 1
- 0
implicit summoning of JsArray ToEntityMarshaller consumes all compiler memory
#646 opened by jmcnulty-mosaic - 1
zio-json support
#557 opened by zalbia - 2
cannot Unmarshal from String
#528 opened by strowk - 1
- 2
publish release to include ninny
#509 opened by nrktkt - 3
Intellij warnings using Json4sSupport using parameters directive with akka-http
#470 opened by colinbes - 2
- 1
- 6
Consuming akka-http JSON streaming does not seem to work with akka-http-circe
#204 opened by akauppi - 4
support for akka 2.6.0
#365 opened by cheatmenot - 8
Unable to import support mixins
#341 opened by levinotik - 1
is it possible to allow any content type header when unmarshalling in play ?
#326 opened by leorodriguez - 5
Upgrade akka-http-circe to Scala 2.13
#311 opened by retroryan - 1
Unmarshalling fails for nullable json with circe
#309 opened by felixbr - 9
Scala 2.13 support
#253 opened by ennru - 8
- 4
- 1
Release tag for akka 10.1.8
#279 opened by lforite - 3
GPG key not found during release
#250 opened by hseeberger - 1
Ask @scala-steward for updating of dependencies
#223 opened by plokhotnyuk - 3
- 7
How does this work with the Client?
#151 opened by i-am-the-slime - 1
- 10
Mixing circe routes together with other formField routes seems to break the latter
#148 opened by silvaren - 2
- 4
Release 1.18.0 on maven
#176 opened by mdedetrich - 3
Version 1.18.0 is not published
#175 opened by limansky - 2
- 1
Publish artifacts for 2.11
#172 opened by Odomontois - 1
- 1
- 2
- 5
#154 opened by mazorigal - 10
Charset isn't set in ContentType
#142 opened by LukaJCB - 4
[akka-http-circe] Any reason for ErrorAccumulatingUnmarshaller to be private?
#157 opened by prascuna - 9
- 1
- 4
add fastjson support?
#116 opened by He-Pin - 3
Restore ability to provide Play JSON printer
#135 opened by sarahgerweck - 3
Unmarshall gzipped responses
#125 opened by jhoncamargo - 2
Continue Support for Scala 2.11
#123 opened by BusyByte - 1
could not find implicit value for parameter um
#122 opened by msilb - 1
Release version with
#119 opened by jasonzoladz - 1
Some things don't unmarshal well
#117 opened by lukewyman