
MySQL and PosgreSQL databases administration tool in a single PHP file

Primary LanguagePHP


DBKiss is a database administration tool for MySQL and PostgreSQL. It is only a single PHP file dbkiss.php and has a very simple user interface.


DBKiss screenshot

SQL editor tips

  • You can precede a query or queries with @ char and when executing SQL, only such marked queries will be executed, the rest of queries will be ignored.
  • Ever forgot to put WHERE condition in your UPDATE or DELETE query? DBKiss will detect any queries missing WHERE condition and will inform you about it. If you still would like to execute such query just put WHERE 1=1 condition and DBKiss will let you execute it.
  • History of all your SQL queries is kept in "dbkiss_sql" directory. If in the past you've executed some sophisticated set of queries and need them again, just search for them in the "dbkiss_sql" directory. Use "Find in files" feature available in most modern text editors. For Linux "search in files" command see here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/16957078

Helper scripts

The auto_connect.php script will automatically connect to given database, so you don't have to fill data on the connect screen anymore. This can be useful on a developer machine or if you already have some directory protection and asking for password is not required.

There is also auto_fill_connect_data.php script that will automatically fill all your connection data in the log in form except for password.


  • Export of all structure and data does take into account table name filter on main page, so you can filter only specific tables.
  • "pgsql" driver does not support export of structure.
  • Some of SQL editor features require creating "dbkiss_sql" directory where history of queries and other data is kept. If the script has permissions it will create such directory automatically, otherwise you need to create it manually and make it writable. At the top of "dbkiss.php" script there is a 'DBKISS_SQL_DIR' constant defined, you can set it to an empty string and the script won't try to create or use "dbkiss_sql" directory anymore. Note however that this may cause some of SQL editor features not to work (templates, pagination). That directory is protected with two files which are created automatically: .htaccess (deny from all) and index.html.


  • 2019-02-04: Patrick McGovern sponsored the development of PHP 7 support.
  • 2014-01-04: Patrick McGovern sponsored the development of the permalinks features for saved SQL templates.
  • 2011-05-29: Patrick McGovern sponsored the development of the clickable links in data output and their safe redirection.
  • 2011-03-09: Patrick McGovern sponsored the development of the Views feature.
  • 2011-01-08: Patrick McGovern sponsored the development of the CSV export feature.