- 1
The PUT/GET /matches/client/{dedupclientid}/status returned a 404 and /matches/client/{clientid}/status worked correctly
#386 opened by logicsandeep - 0
need a more obvious meaning label for CREATE value of HMIS Submission Posting Status
#395 opened by eric-jahn - 1
- 1
- 1
POST /clients/{clientDedupId}/matches does not update the housingunitId in the match_reservation table.
#387 opened by logicsandeep - 0
outgoing DIRECT email when housing match made
#380 opened by eric-jahn - 1
- 0
add question sort order to survey section
#330 opened by eric-jahn - 3
survey response API double-POST parameter
#349 opened by eric-jahn - 0
The /response PUT should not replace null values if a field is not provided in the request body
#370 opened by logicsandeep - 2
- 4
API supporting DedupId /clientsurveysubmissions/{clientId} is not available
#295 opened by suryayadavalli - 1
do not list submissions which contain deleted clients or surveys (Pub/Sub cascading deletion)
#302 opened by eric-jahn - 1
- 2
Implement /eligibleclients endpoint updates with Pub/Sub framework, for instantaneous updates to the Active List
#316 opened by eric-jahn - 2
- 1
Wrong total count in /v3/clients/{dedupclientid}/surveys/{surveyid}/responses
#338 opened by logicsandeep - 0
GET /clients/{clientid}/consents/{consentid} does not return globalprojects
#344 opened by logicsandeep - 1
add new question types
#331 opened by eric-jahn - 1
GET /v3/clients/{dedupclientid}/surveys/{surveyid}/responses does not return the effectiveDate
#339 opened by logicsandeep - 1
Data inconsistency in survey responses
#335 opened by suryayadavalli - 3
- 1
GET /v3/clients/{dedupclientid}/surveys/{surveyid}/submissions/{submissionid} does not return a questionId
#332 opened by logicsandeep - 0
Make GET /surveys/{surveyid}/surveysections/{sectionid}/questions return picklistValues
#328 opened by logicsandeep - 0
store optional HMIS data collection phase and weight for survey definition attached to a project
#327 opened by eric-jahn - 0
- 9
eligibleclients API do not support dedupID
#293 opened by suryayadavalli - 0
Implement Survey Historic and Deleted Records APIs
#311 opened by eric-jahn - 1
automated CES version tagging, like main repo
#310 opened by eric-jahn - 8
Eligible_clients_audit table does not show initial values for client status.
#284 opened by CTAJavier - 1
- 1
- 1
accessing inactive submissions via API
#303 opened by eric-jahn - 3
- 4
Any call returning client data should include the schema (year) for the client if any
#267 opened by eric-jahn - 1
Pagination limits for getting submission IDs for a client should be increased
#263 opened by eric-jahn - 2
Increase Pagination limit to 50 [was: Pagination limits for getting responses in a submission should be removed]
#264 opened by eric-jahn - 1
Modify Query options and add sorting parameters for getting client submissions
#265 opened by eric-jahn - 2
- 1
- 17
- 1
change hmisID to questionID
#292 opened by eric-jahn - 2
DELETE survey/submission API fixes
#286 opened by logicsandeep - 2
it is possible to get the nonexistent submission
#282 opened by eric-jahn - 3
it is still possible to get a deleted submission
#281 opened by eric-jahn - 1
- 0
support standardized HUD CES 2020 Data Standard
#277 opened by eric-jahn - 1
Performance issue with Survey responses
#260 opened by suryayadavalli - 1
survey upload script
#257 opened by eric-jahn - 1