
All the Lua files for my macOS/neovim development setup

Primary LanguageLua

Hayden's Neovim RC

If you want to use this config, clone this repo inside the ~/.config directory on macOS. Make sure that the top level folder just inside ~/.config is called nvim.

My setup is based largely on these videos by Josean Martinez


In making the move from VSCode to Neovim, I wanted to take advantage of Neovim's performance, extensibility, and keyboard based workflow without losing the user-friendly bells and whistles of VSCode. For the sort of work I do, I decided on this list of features I would need

  • Fuzzy finder
  • File tree
  • Git commands and diff view
  • Basic programming text utilities (indentation, automatically adding the closing ) or }, etc.)
  • Auto-complete with full LSP support
  • Ability to run CMake configure and build commands from inside the editor

Keymap Cheat Sheet

Window Splitting and Tabs

  • "leadersv": Split window vertically
  • "leadersx": Close split window
  • "leaderx": Close current tab
  • "leaderxo": Close all other tabs
  • "leader=": Next tab
  • "leader-": Previous tab


  • "gcc": Toggle current line as single-line comment
  • "gbc": Toggle current line as multi-line comment
  • "gc": Toggle selection as single-line
  • "gb": Toggle selection as multi-line
  • "gco": Insert comment on previous line
  • "gcO": Insert comment on next line
  • "gcA": Insert comment at the end of the current line

File Tree

  • "leadere": Toggle file tree
  • "leaderec": Show current file in tree
  • "Ctrlt": Open selected result in new tab
  • "a": Create file
  • "r": Rename file
  • "d": Delete file

Fuzzy Finding

  • "leaderff": Search for files in cwd
  • "leaderfr": Search for recent files
  • "leaderfs": Search for string in cwd
  • "leaderfc": Search for string under cursor in cwd
  • "Ctrlt": Open selected result in new tab
  • "Ctrlv": Open selected result in vertical split


  • "gR": Show references in Telescope
  • "gd": Jump to declaration
  • "gD": Show declaration in Telescope
  • "gi": Show implementations in Telescope
  • "gt": Show type definitions in Telescope
  • "leaderca": Show available code actions
  • "leaderrn": Smart rename
  • "leaderD": Show buffer diagnostics in Telescope
  • "leaderd": Show line diagnostics in Telescope
  • "[d": Jump to previous diagnostic
  • "]d": Jump to next diagnostic
  • "K": Show documentation for symbol under cursor if available
  • "leaderrs": Restart LSP


  • "leadercg": CMakeGenerate
  • "leadercB": Select build target
  • "leadercb": Build current target
  • "leadercR": Select run target
  • "leadercr": Run current target


  • "leadergA": Stage all changes
  • "leadergs": View git status info
  • "leadergc": Commit
  • "leadergp": Push
  • "leadergd": View diff of current file


  • "leaderfm": Format current file or selection


The config is all written in Lua and the plugins are managed by Lazy The current set of plugins installed: