
Codelab to teach and demonstrate usage of dependency injection with Dagger 2

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Codelab to teach and demonstrate usage of dependency injection with Dagger 2


What you will learn

  • About dependency injection(DI) and Inversion of Control(IoC)
    • Introduction to the problem, why it matters.
    • Why we use DI frameworks - which problems they solve for us.
    • Brief history of DI. Spring -> Guice -> Dagger 1 -> Dagger 2
      Initial presentation slides
  • Basics of Dagger
    • How to setup Dagger in your project.
    • How to use @Inject annotation, creating simple @Component
    • Adding @Module. Discussion when to use modules and when @Inject annotation.
    • Usage of simple @Singleton scope.
    • Exploring Dagger generated source code and learning from it.
  • Wiring together with Android
    • Where to create and hold instances of components.
    • Injecting Activities, Injecting Fragments.
    • Using @BindsInstance to bind objects we don't own.
  • Multi-module project setup
    • How to compose modules together within AppComponent
    • Injecting Activity/Fragment and other dependencies within separate module.
    • Sharing instances with other modules.
  • Multibindings
    • Composing @IntoMap and @IntoSet.
    • Plugin based development within multi-module project.
    • Discuss which problems can multibinding solve.
  • Instrumented Testing
    • How to replace dependencies within androidTest.
    • Using component dependency to replace dependencies in tests.
    • How to assert on your analytic events.

Why this codelab?

  • Primarily this should be a learning resource for any engineer who wants to learn or recap Dagger usage.
  • The codelab format is chosen with the belief, that first hand experience leaves stronger memories and the skills are truly learned.
  • Dagger became more complex over years - making onboarding of new engineers harder.
  • Dagger became also misused or overused. New engineers see already brownfield and Dagger seems like one of the devils responsible for this leading to lower trust in the tool. Dagger can be almost invisible in your project.
  • We already forgot about the problems we had before Dagger like runtime DI resolution. It is important to be reminded about these problems.

How to use this Codelab

  • Codelab is split into few smaller sections - each of them can be run independently.
  • Each section has a branch with a format {section number}-{area of focus} e.g. 01-basics. The branch with higher number is always the solution of the previous section. master branch is the final solution of present tasks.
  • You can run the codelab yourself, by following the instructions within each sections.
  • In case of any question, please feel free to create an issue in this repo.

Now let' start by moving to section you want
