
Tensorflow/Keras code and trained models for Episodic Curiosity Through Reachability

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Episodic Curiosity Through Reachability

In ICLR 2019 [Project Website][Paper]

Nikolay Savinov¹, Anton Raichuk², Raphaël Marinier², Damien Vincent², Marc Pollefeys¹, Timothy Lillicrap³, Sylvain Gelly²
¹ETH Zurich, ²Google AI, ³DeepMind

Navigation out of curiosity Locomotion out of curiosity

This is an implementation of our ICLR 2019 Episodic Curiosity Through Reachability. If you use this work, please cite:

    Author = {Savinov, Nikolay and Raichuk, Anton and Marinier, Rapha{\"e}l and Vincent, Damien and Pollefeys, Marc and Lillicrap, Timothy and Gelly, Sylvain},
    Title = {Episodic Curiosity through Reachability},
    Booktitle = {International Conference on Learning Representations ({ICLR})},
    Year = {2019}


The code was tested on Linux only. The code assumes that the command "python" invokes python 2.7. We recommend you use virtualenv:

sudo apt-get install python-pip
pip install virtualenv
python -m virtualenv episodic_curiosity_env
source episodic_curiosity_env/bin/activate


Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/google-research/episodic-curiosity.git
cd episodic-curiosity

We require a modified version of DeepMind lab:

Clone DeepMind Lab:

git clone https://github.com/deepmind/lab
cd lab

Apply our patch to DeepMind Lab:

git checkout 7b851dcbf6171fa184bf8a25bf2c87fe6d3f5380
git checkout -b modified_dmlab
git apply ../third_party/dmlab/dmlab_min_goal_distance.patch

Install DMLab as a PIP module by following these instructions

In a nutshell, once you've installed DMLab dependencies, you need to run:

bazel build -c opt python/pip_package:build_pip_package
./bazel-bin/python/pip_package/build_pip_package /tmp/dmlab_pkg
pip install /tmp/dmlab_pkg/DeepMind_Lab-1.0-py2-none-any.whl --force-reinstall

Finally, install episodic curiosity and its pip dependencies:

cd episodic-curiosity
pip install -e .

Resource requirements for training

Environment Training method Required GPU Recommended RAM
DMLab PPO No 32GBs
DMLab PPO + Grid Oracle No 32GBs
DMLab PPO + EC using already trained R-networks No 32GBs
DMLab PPO + EC with R-network training Yes, otherwise, training is slower by >20x.
Required GPU RAM: 5GBs
Tip: reduce dataset_buffer_size for using less RAM at the expense of policy performance.
DMLab PPO + ECO Yes, otherwise, raining is slower by >20x.
Required GPU RAM: 5GBs
Tip: reduce observation_history_size for using less RAM, at the expense of policy performance

Trained models

Trained R-networks and policies can be found in the episodic-curiosity Google cloud bucket. You can access them via the web interface, or copy them with the gsutil command from the Google Cloud SDK:

gsutil -m cp -r gs://episodic-curiosity/r_networks .
gsutil -m cp -r gs://episodic-curiosity/policies .

Example of command to visualize a trained policy with two episodes of 1000 steps, and create videos similar to the ones at the top of this page:

python -m episodic_curiosity.visualize_curiosity_reward --workdir=/tmp/ec_visualizations --r_net_weights=<path_to_r_network> --policy_path=<path_to_trained_policy> --alsologtostderr --num_episodes=2 --num_steps=1000 --visualization_type=surrogate_reward --trajectory_mode=do_nothing

This requires that you install extra dependencies for generating videos, with pip install -e .[video]


On a single machine

scripts/launcher_script.py is the main entry point to reproduce the results of Table 1 in the paper. For instance, the following command line launches training of the PPO + EC method on the Sparse+Doors scenario:

python episodic-curiosity/scripts/launcher_script.py --workdir=/tmp/ec_workdir --method=ppo_plus_ec --scenario=sparseplusdoors

Main flags:

Flag Descriptions
--method Solving method to use, corresponds to the rows in table 1 of the paper. Possible values: ppo, ppo_plus_ec, ppo_plus_eco, ppo_plus_grid_oracle
--scenario Scenario to launch. Corresponds to the columns in table 1 of the paper. Possible values: noreward, norewardnofire, sparse, verysparse, sparseplusdoors, dense1, dense2
--workdir Directory where logs and checkpoints will be stored.
--run_number Run number of the current run. This is used to create an appropriate subdir in workdir.
--r_networks_path Only meaningful for the ppo_plus_ec method. Path to the root dir for pre-trained r networks. If specified, we train the policy using those pre-trained r networks. If not specified, we first generate the R network training data, train the R network and then train the policy.

Training takes a couple of days. We used CPUs with 16 hyper-threads, but smaller CPUs should do.

Under the hood, launcher_script.py launches train_policy.py with the right hyperparameters. For the method ppo_plus_ec, it first launches generate_r_training_data.py to accumulate training data for the R-network using a random policy, then launches train_r.py to train the R-network, and finally train_policy.py for the policy. In the method ppo_plus_eco, all this happens online as part of the policy training.

On Google Cloud

First, make sure you have the Google Cloud SDK installed.

scripts/launch_cloud_vms.py is the main entry point. Edit the script and replace the FILL-MEs with the details of your GCP project. In particular, you will need to point it to a GCP disk snapshot with the installed dependencies as described in the Installation section.

IMPORTANT: By default the script reproduces all results in table 1 and launches ~300 VMs on cloud with GPUs (7 scenarios x 4 methods x 10 runs). The cost of running all those VMs is very significant: on the order of USD 30 per day per VM based on early 2019 GCP pricing. Pass --i_understand_launching_vms_is_expensive to scripts/launch_cloud_vms.py to indicate that you understood that.

Under the hood, launch_cloud_vms.py launches one VM for each (scenario, method, run_number) tuple. The VMs use startup scripts to launch training, and retrieve the parameters of the run through Instance Metadata.

TIP: Use sudo journalctl -u google-startup-scripts.service to see the logs of the startup script.

Training logs

Each training job stores logs and checkpoints in a workdir. The workdir is organized as follows:

File or Directory Description
r_training_data/{R_TRAINING,VALIDATION}/ TF Records with data generated from a random policy for R-network training. Only for method ppo_plus_ec without supplying pre-trained R-networks.
r_networks/ Keras checkpoints of trained R-networks. Only for method ppo_plus_ec without supplying pre-trained R-networks.
reward_{train,valid,test}.csv CSV files with {train,valid,test} rewards, tracking the performance of the policy at multiple training steps.
checkpoints/ Checkpoints of the policy.
log.txt, progress.csv Training logs and CSV from OpenAI's PPO2 code.

On cloud, the workdir of each job will be synced to a cloud bucket directory of the form <cloud_bucket_root>/<vm_id>/<method>/<scenario>/run_number_<d>/.

We provide a colab to plot graphs during training of the policies, using data from the reward_{train,valid,test}.csv files.

Related projects

Check out the code for Semi-parametric Topological Memory, which uses graph-based episodic memory constructed from a short video to navigate in novel environments (thus providing exploitation policy, complementary to the exploration policy in this work).

Known limitations

  • As of 2019/02/20, ppo_plus_eco method is not robust to restarts, because the R-network trained online is not checkpointed.
  • This repo only covers training on Deepmind Lab. We are also considering releasing the code for training on Mujoco in the future.