
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Design Patterns in React (CSCI E-39)

Accounts and Tools

  1. Github account
  2. Dockerhub account
  3. Install Docker for Windows | Docker for Mac


  1. Start Docker
  2. Open Terminal / git-bash and run
    1. mkdir -p ~/Projects && cd ~/Projects
    2. git clone git@github.com:tshelburne/csci-e39.git && cd csci-e39
    3. echo your-id-goes-here > .id, replacing "your-id-goes-here" with the ID we provided you
    4. make build migrate

Automated tasks

To see all tasks, run make


  1. make start starts the app and connects to a local environment
  2. make live starts the app and connects to the live environment
  3. make stop stops any running version of the app (start, watch, live, etc.)


  1. make clean resets the directory to a fresh installation
  2. make watch starts the app, connects to a local environment, and recompiles when source code changes
  3. make activate assignment=[assignment name] updates the app to enable the specific assignment directory


  1. make migration name=[migration name] creates a new database migration file
  2. make migrate updates the local database schema
  3. make publish publishes the current container to Dockerhub
  4. make deploy deploys the current container to Heroku
  5. make migrate-prod updates the live Heroku database schema