Primary LanguageJavaScript


Heroku Website


GiftWish is a product database where Users can add products that they like and wish to have into their 'Wishlist' for other Users/Friends/Family to see for inspiration for gifts for the User.

Gems used:

  1. Devise: Login and Admin
  2. Bootstrap CSS: Styling
  3. Faker: Generate Fake Data

User Story:

  1. Make an account.
  2. Post URL to a product that they like or are interested in.
  3. Add that product to their wishlist.
  4. Browse product database by all or by category for gifts that have been previously added into the database by other users.
  5. If they like what they see they have the option to add that product into their wishlist as well.

Future Improvements:

  1. has_friendship gem to allow Users to have friends on the website. I would implement the feature that only friends can see the Users wishlist.
  2. Add a gifted boolean column into the products table that would effectively allow other users to gift the item on a specific Users' wishlist. If it was gifted, it would say this gift has been gifted to the User to all other users that visit the page. It would not change for the User that the gift was bought for.
  3. A dropdown box on the Products index page that would be able to sort the products from A to Z, Highest Price to Lowest Price, Lowest Price to Highest Price, Most Popular (by add's to User's wishlists), Newest (Most recently added into the gift database.)
  4. More improvements to make the CSS look more sleak.
  5. Different Screen Size Responsiveness

Final Product:

Contact Info:

Creator: Michael Hsiao
Email: michael.hsiao13@gmail.com