
A Python3 script to backup copies of local or remote directories with decremental diffs, MySQL/MariaDB and PostgreSQL databases.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


A Python3 script to backup copies of local or remote directories and MySQL/MariaDB and PostgreSQL databases.

Getting Started



  • Install prerequisites and clone the repository.
  • Copy backup.ini.dist to backup.ini and modify the options.
  • If you want to exclude files from backup: uncomment the option in backup.ini and create an exclude file or copy exclude-file.dist to exclude-file.
  • For remote backup you must check that the ssh connection to the remote server is available with a key, without any password.


  • Execute ./backup.py with the following arguments:
    • Type of backup:
      • local or remote: select one of them
    • Common arguments:
      • -n/--name: backup destination directory name
      • -c/--copy-dir: backup source directory to copy
      • -h/--help: shows the help
    • Remote arguments (use only with remote backup):
      • -s/--server: remote server URL
      • -u/--user: remote server user
      • -p/--port: remote server port
    • Database arguments:
      • -b/--db-server : can be mysql or postgresql.
      • -d/--db-name: Database name
      • -e/--db-user: Database user
      • -w/--db-pass: Database user password
  • Example of local backup: ./backup.py local -n localcopy -c /home/user/dirtocopy
  • Example of local backup with MySQL: ./backup.py local -n localcopy -c /home/user/dirtocopy -b mysql -m mysqluser -w mysqlpassword
  • Example of remote backup with MySQL and .cnf configuration file: ./backup.py remote -n remotecopy -s server.com -u user -p 22 -c /home/user/dirtocopy -b mysql
  • Example of remote backup with PostgreSQL and .pgpass file: ./backup.py remote -n remotecopy -s server.com -u user -p 22 -c /home/user/dirtocopy -b postgresql -d database


There are four parameters that controls the database backup:

  • -b/--db-server: mysql or postgresql. Is mandatory if you want to make a database backup.


  • -e/--db-user and -w/--db-pass: optionals. If you don't add any of them mysqldump will try to get the information automatically from the files ~/.my.cnf or ~/.mylogin.cnf.
  • -d/--db-name: optional. If you don't add it mysqldump try to backup all databases from this user.

.my.cnf file must be in the user's home directory (local or remote, depending on the type of backup) and the content should look similar to this:



  • -d/--db-name: required
  • -e/--db-user: required

With PostgreSQL database you must use a .pgpass file. It must be in the user's home directory (local or remote, depending on the type of backup) with 0600 permission and the content should looks similar to this:


where localhost is the server and 5432 the standard PostgreSQL port.

More information about pgpass file.



This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 - see the LICENSE.md file for details