
Image Classification program in PyTorch. Outputs whether a patient has contracted pneumonia by analysing a chest X-Ray image.

Primary LanguagePython



For access to our data-set, click on the Kaggle link and press the download tab: https://www.kaggle.com/paultimothymooney/chest-xray-pneumonia

Instructions for training particular models:

AlexNet: on line 175, change model to equal model = AlexNet().to(device)
LeNet5: on line 175, change model to equal model = LeNet5().to(device)
VGG-16: on line 175, change model to equal model = vgg16().to(device)
ResNet50: on line 175, change model to equal model = ResNet50().to(device)

Instructions on loading the dataset:

  • on the lines 159 and 163 attach the file location path for trainset and testset:
  • trainset = torchvision.datasets.ImageFolder(root='./data/chest_xray/train', transform=transform)
  • testset = torchvision.datasets.ImageFolder(root='./data/chest_xray/test', transform=transform)


AlexNet produced the best results out of the 4 models. It’s final epoch returns an accuracy of 86%. Both ResNet50 and LeNet5 had similar results of 82% and 81% respectively. VGG16 had the lowest accuracy of 76%.