
Chrome Extension - LinkedIn Job Scanner

Primary LanguageHTML

Job Scanner


Boost your LinkedIn job search with Job Scanner! Find jobs that match your keywords effortlessly.

Introducing the Job Scanner Chrome Extension!

Tired of sifting through countless job posts on LinkedIn? Let our extension do the heavy lifting for you! The Job Scanner Extension is here to help you find the job opportunities that match your keywords effortlessly.

📖 How to Use

  • Installation: Start by installing the extension and refreshing the page.
  • Open the Interface: Click the extension icon to open the interface.
  • Create a Task: Begin by adding a new task.
  • Set Your Criteria: Define your job search criteria by adding conditions.
  • Navigate to LinkedIn: Open the job list page on LinkedIn.
  • Initiate the Task: Click the "Start" button to begin the scanning process.
  • Stay Put: Ensure you remain on the job list page while the task runs.
  • Access the Results: Once the task is completed, download the JSON file to access the job listings!

🚀 V1.0.0 New Version Released!

  • Redesigned for clearer and more obvious feature presentation.
  • Updated storage management for better performance and efficiency.
  • Improved UX in the process of task creation. Apply conditions by simply dragging and dropping.
  • Display the number of jobs while processing in real-time.
  • Added option to customize the parsing logic for different page structures in your region or changes on the LinkedIn job page. The parsing logic will be updated as soon as changes are detected.

Please note, this version includes breaking changes. If you are using a previous version, you may need to reinstall the plugin. We apologize for any inconvenience.

📞 Contact Us

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions to enhance the extension, please feel free to reach out to us by leaving an issue on our GitHub page at https://github.com/hsk-kr/linkedin-job-scanner/issues.

Simplify your job search on LinkedIn with the Job Scanner Extension. Install it now and let it find the perfect job opportunities for you! A chrome extension to find job posts by crawling that contain keywords you set up.

Contribution & Bug Reports

If you have any suggesions or find any bugs, write freely on the Issues tab.

I will respond as soon as possible.

How To Use

Watch the Video on YouTube

How To Run (dev)

  1. install packages with a package manager you prefer
pnpm install
  1. Build
pnpm run build
  1. Open the link chrome://extensions/ on the chrome web browser.

  2. Switch on the developer mode

  3. Click the Load unpacked`` button and choose the dist` directory.