
pytorch implementation of leam

Primary LanguagePython


Pytorch implementation Code implementation of Joint Embedding of Words and Labels for Text Classification(LEAM)

Data description

  • yelp 2015
    • download source
    • label : stars [0..5]
    • only used 1,000,000
    • label imbalanced is mitigated by over-sampling
      • each # of label is sampled to 289394

Model description

  • please refer the src/model.py in detail screensh

  • performance

    • VAL ACC : 0.713 | VAL LOSS : 0.702 at epoch 5
  • word embedding(V) distribution

    • V has high-dimension [batch_size, max_length, hidden_dim]
    • I reduced dimension by averaging [batch_size, hidden_dim] (document vector)
    • I applied t-sne to reduce the embedding dimension [batch_size, 2]


  • label embedding(C) cosine similarity matrix
    • C has dimension [label_num(6 in yelp review), hidden_dim]
    • cosine similarity is caculated
