
A POC Encore application showcasing transactional email tracking

Primary LanguageVue


An Encore application showcasing a (self-hosted) transactional email tracking use case.


Tractore is a POC transactional email tracking application built on Encore.

Emails sent to Tractore are processed by including a tracking pixel at the end of its HTML body. They're then forwarded to Mailgun for email delivery. When an email is viewed in an email client that supports HTML markup, the image is downloaded from Tractore, and the email is then marked as having been opened.

Emails can be submitted through an API, with the cmd/smtpd/smtpd.go program providing a convenient relay between the SMTP protocol and the REST API. Email clients must be configured to use the local relay. For testing purposes, any email address can be used as the sender, and the email address to send to must be approved in Mailgun.

In this POC I've implemented Mercure and Extism for some additional functionality on top of all the goodies Encore already provides. Mercure provides a realtime protocol for updating web UI clients, which is used to inform the frontend of changes to emails. Extism provides application customization and extension through executing WebAssembly modules.

This project currently primarily serves as a personal learning project to get to know Encore and to evaluate if it's something I'll be using in the future. It'll probably continue to do so for the foreseaable time. If there's things I've stated about Encore that are wrong or implemented that can be done differently, let me know, and I'll fix it :-)


The current web UI is heavily based on Mailpit. At this time many of its functionalities don't work.



Configure secrets:

# required secret to authenticate email receiver
encore secret set MailAPIToken --type prod,dev,pr,local

# optional secrets for Mailgun integration; email sending will be skipped if left empty
encore secret set MailgunDomain --type prod,dev,pr,local
encore secret set MailgunAPIKey --type prod,dev,pr,local

# secrets to authenticate the frontend and (raw) public Mercure endpoint
encore secret set MercurePassword --type prod,dev,pr,local
encore secret set MercureUsername --type prod,dev,pr,local

# secret used to sign the tracking URL
encore secret set SignedURLSecret  --type prod,dev,pr,local

Run tractore app using encore CLI:

encore run

Run the local SMTP server responsible for forwarding email to the Tractore API.

go run cmd/smtpd/smtpd.go


  • Encore as the main framework for the application.
    • Notable functionalities in use: API definitions and errors, database, client generation through encore gen client, pub/sub (for processing and sending email), and secrets.
  • Ent as the database access layer.
  • Extism for WebAssembly plugin functionality.
    • The cmd/trackembed directory contains the source code for a Wasm module exposing a function that embeds a tracking pixel in an outgoing email. It is embedded at compile time by being read (after having been compiled) from pkg/wasm/modules/embed.wasm.
  • Mercure for realtime web UI updates based on Server-Sent Events.
    • The Mercure Hub is embedded within the Encore runtime, and uses an internal publisher.
  • Mailgun integration for email delivery.

Encore Feature Wish(ful)list

  • Accept TCP/UDP connections, instead of having to alway use HTTP
    • The email sending process currently relies on a local daemon that forwards the mail to tractore. It would be nice if it could accept emails directly instead of via email. It's probably not the best fit for Encore, though.
  • Return binary responses from an Encore API.
    • At the moment no actual tracking pixel is returned, but the behavior is approximated by returning application/octet-stream as the content type. It would be nicer if we could return the actual binary response for an image instead. If this is needed, one has to define a raw API endpoint instead.
  • Have some way to provide a relationship between services that are not automatically inferred.
    • In this application the frontend relies on a public, raw endpoint defined in the mercure service. It would be nice if this could be shown in the application dependency diagram. The current workaround is to define dummy endpoints with the right relationship.
  • Support mTLS authentication, and do something with it in the app?
    • Haven't tried doing this using a raw endpoint yet, so maybe something can already be done, but it'll need some custom logic at least.
  • Offer some type of asynchronous job control
    • Early in the POC I tried integrating River as a job queue (with transactional queueing), but that didn't work because the existing database pool isn't exposed by Encore (just the db). It would be nice to have this type of functionality included, given that it's already using PostgreSQL. To get around the blocker I changed the implementation to rely on some custom logic for persisting the message with the entity in the same transaction now, and to rely on the transactional outbox strategy while processing and sending emails.
  • Access to the http.Request, or at least more (metadata) properties from the original request.
    • Concretely, I would've liked to capture the client IP address, so that I could've included a CrowdSec bouncer in the middleware stack.

Potential Improvements / Additions

  • Have some better structured scripts / tooling around the code generation, etc.
  • Better email state management; it's pretty basic now.
  • Ensure Mercure subscribers are authenticated using a token instead of HTTP basic auth.
  • Nicer frontend; it's currently just a console.log, basically.
  • Reusable / generic Ent transactional outbox persister
  • OIDC login and user management
    • Currently there's no multitenancy support, and there's support for only a single user and access token. It would be nice to support multiple users with their own credentials.
  • Improve authorization implementation
    • The application is currently considered to be used by a single user, so access decisions are not implemented yet.
  • Clean shutdown of running service processes?
  • Tighter integration with Mailgun through webhooks, API, etc.
    • Downside of this is that this would result in a stronger dependency on Mailgun as the sending service, whereas it would be nicer to keep that flexible