
Rales Engine consumes e-commerce data, makes business intelligence queries, and produces API endpoints.

Primary LanguageRuby

Rales Engine

A solo project completed during Module 3 at Turing School of Software and Design.

Rales Engine implements:

  • Object oriented programming principles.
  • Building versioned Ruby on Rails APIs.
  • Use of Ruby and ActiveRecord to perform complex business intelligence queries
  • Custom built rake task to import sales data from CSV files.
  • Controller tests to drive design.
  • Serialized JSON response.


  • Ruby 2.4.1
  • Rails 5.1.7


  1. Clone the following repo: Rales Engine
  2. From your terminal: git clone https://github.com/hsmitha26/rales_engine cd rales_engine bundle install
  3. Database setup: rake db:{create, migrate}
  4. Run the following rake tasks to import from CSV files: import:customers import:merchants import:items import:invoices import:invoice_items import:transactions

Ruby Gems Used

  • Pry
  • RSpec
  • Factory Bot
  • Shoulda Matchers
  • Fast JSON API


From your terminal, run rails s and append http://localhost:3000/api/v1 to access one of the various endpoints.

For example: to access a list of all the merchants, append the above url to: http://localhost:3000/api/v1/merchants

Endpoints - Exposes Serialized JSON Response

Record endpoints for: merchants

Example: GET /api/v1/merchants - shows all the merchant records. GET /api/v1/merchants/1 - shows a merchant record with an id of 1. GET /api/v1/merchants/random - shows a single merchant record selected.


Controller and model tests can be run using RSpec: rspec

Database Schema

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