Point-and-Click Dataset

The Point-and-Click Dataset contains following data:

  • Point-and-click behavioral data from multiple participants (N=20).
  • Measured baseline values of each participant's cognitive characteristics (e.g., visiual perception noise, motor noise, precision of click decision-making).

Data collection

Twenty participants performed a total of four different tasks over two days (see the figure of overview below). For the details of data collection process & materials, please refer to the paper [1].

File descriptions

  • pnc_behavior/ : Point-and-click behavioral data.
  • cog_param/baseline_values.csv : Measured baseline values of cognitive characteristics.
  • cog_param/speed_discrimination/ : Raw data collected from the Speed discrimination task.
  • cog_param/moving_target_acquisition/ : Raw data collected from the Moving-target acquisition task.
  • cog_param/ballistic_aiming/ : Raw data collected from the Ballistic aiming task.


Use of this dataset in publications must be acknowledged by referencing the following publication [1].

[1] H.-S. Moon, S. Do, W. Kim, J. Seo, M. Chang, and B. Lee, "Speeding up Inference with User Simulators through Policy Modulation", [To be appeared].