Hot Springs Analysis

In this repository we maintain all the workflows to peform a reference reliant assembly and scaffolding of the hotspring metagenomes. The overall workflow can be summarized using this schematic diagram.

  1. Snakefile.Reassemble_Reads.smk- Snakemake workflow to perform reference reliant assembly and scaffolding of the hotspring metagenomes. The config files associated with the workflow is available in the Scripts/Synechococcus_Paper/configs/config.json
  2. Snakefile.Cluster.smk- Snakemake workflow to cluster the putative-variants identified by the previous step and annotates the variants using EggNOG. The config files associated with the workflow is available in the Scripts/Synechococcus_Paper/configs/config_cluster.json
  3. Snakefile.Summarize.smk- Snakemake workflow to summarize the results from the previous steps and produces data files required for generating our figures/plots. The config files associated with the workflow is available in the Scripts/Synechococcus_Paper/configs/config_summarize.json

This is a work in progress and reach out to in case of any questions.