
Dear SDETs, for group project git-GitHub collaboration

  1. You need to clone a new project from Version Control using the link that is shared by the project owner/git master,

  2. Before start writing your codes, you should create your own branch following our common naming convention as follows;

    • Name_USNumber / Hasan_US1537
  3. While your head is on your own branch, you should right-click on your local Master branch and select the option “Merge into Current” in order to update your own branch, (No need for this step if you first created your own branch just before this step)

    • Create your feature file with its User Story name e.g.
      • Name_USNumber_USName / Hasan_US1537_QuickNavigateTask
    • Create your step defs class with its User Story name e.g.
      • Name_USNumber_USName / Hasan_US1537_QuickNavigateTask
    • Create your page class with its User Story name e.g.
      • Name_USNumber_USNamePage / Hasan_US1537_QuickNavigateTaskPage
  4. Do not forget to use Login steps which is already created by GitMaster as your Background in your own Feature file

    • Background: log in page feature
    • Given users log in with valid credentials as an "hr" "marketing" "helpdesk"
  5. You should commit codes after you are done with your recent changes on your own branch,

  6. Update your local master again and select “Merge into Current” to handle possible merge conflicts on your local first before pushing your codes,

  7. Push your branch to remote,

  8. You should create a pull request on GitHub,

  9. You should add your review-mate as a reviewer, then inform him/her about your pull request,

  10. Your reviewer will check it and then will comment, approve and merge your commit to the remote master, If you encounter a merge conflict, please try to handle it by coordinating with Git Master After the merge is completed successfully, you can delete the branch on Github.

  11. Next day, you should update your local master branch and select “Merge into Current” before starting to work on your feature,

  12. Finally you can continue your work from Step 6.

Pages Name

  • ==> Name_USNumber_USNamePage
  • ==> Hasan_US1537_QuickNavigateTaskPage

Step Definitions Name

  • ==> Name_USNumber_USName
  • ==> Hasan_US1537_QuickNavigateTask

Features Name

  • ==> Name_USNumber_USName
  • ==> Hasan_US1537_QuickNavigateTask

Pre-Conditions (Login)

  • Background: log in page feature

  • Given users log in with valid credentials as a "hr"

  • "hr"

  • "marketing"

  • "helpdesk"



  • dryRun = false,
  • tags = "@wip",

Feature File

  • Do not use @wip in your feature file while pushing the codes. Because if you send your "feature file" with @wip, your test cases will run with other people's files and if they want to delete it from your file, it will cause conflict.

Git Local Branch Name

  • ==> Name_USNumber
  • ==> Hasan_US1537

Commit Name

  • ==> Name_USNumber_CommitName
  • ==> Hasan_US1537_TC01 Done

Cydeo EU-9 Group-2

This is an image