About Me ✅

I have the ISTQB certificate.I have been in the IT field for 8 years.

Knowledge of Data Structures (Collections), OOP Concept and Exception handling as well as other basic Java concepts.

I am proficient in Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Selenium WebDriver, Cucumber, TestNG, JUnit, JIRA/Xray, Maven, Postman, RESTFUL API, SQL, Agile Methodologies, Automation Testing Tools.

Skilled in all stages of the software testing life cycle, test plans and strategies, and user acceptance testing.

Utilizing Selenium WebDriver and Java, thorough Cross-Browser Compatibility testing was carried out on a number of Web browsers, including Firefox and Chrome.

Expertise in writing SQL Queries, SQL Scripts and performing Database Testing with MySQL using JDBC.

A working knowledge of Java, Junit, Maven, and Selenium Web- Driver for Selenium automation.

Several automation frameworks, including the Page Objects, Data-Driven, and Hybrid frameworks, were created from scratch and implemented for a variety of applications.

Typing SVG

Skills: Java | Selenium | JUnit | TestNG | Cucumber | Git - GitHub | Html - Css | JIRA | PostgreSQL | LAMBDA | JDBC | API |

Languages and Tools:

Jira python java css3 git html5 PostgreSQL oracle jenkins mysql selenium

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QA Engineer and Development

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