This project helps you get better information about your wallet in discord!
1 - Install Node.JS to your computer.
2 - Install project to your computer.
git clone
3 - Create a Discord WebHook
- Go to channel settings
- Click integrations
- Click Create WebHook
- Give it a name and copy webhook url
- Open webhook url in your browser. Copy ID and Token
4 - Setup config.js
- Open Config.JS file
Change WebHookID with your Webhook ID (you can get it with opening webhook url in browser)
Change WebHookToken with you Webhook token (you can get it with opening webhook url in browser)
Change PktWalletAddress with your pkt1 Wallet Address (you can get it from creating a wallet Click Me)
5 - Install Modules
- Open CMD or Terminal in project directory
- Run
npm i
6 - Run Project
- Open CMD or Terminal in project directory
- Run
node index.js
- Change config to
const discord = require('discord.js')
const wallet1 = {hook:new discord.WebhookClient('WebHookID','WebHookToken'),wallet:'PktWalletAddress'}
const wallet2 = {hook:new discord.WebhookClient('WebHookID','WebHookToken'),wallet:'PktWalletAddress'}
module.exports = [wallet1,wallet2]
Edit WebHookID, WebHookToken and PktWalletAddress lines