
Primary LanguageJavaScript

This repository contains a set of scripts to perform airdrop functions for the Voi blockchain network.

All scripts are executed using npm run as detailed below. The programs are stored in the /scripts folder.

Quick Start Instructions to Execute an Airdrop

  1. Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/xarmian/voi_drops.git
  1. Change to voi_drops folder and install dependencies:
cd voi_drops
npm i
  1. Download the applicable reward file from https://xarmian.github.io/voi_rewards/

OR download the file using CURL with the following command:

curl -G -o all_rewards.csv "https://socksfirstgames.com/proposers/csv.php" \
    -d start="2023-09-25" \
    -d end="2023-10-01" \
    -d block_reward=12500000 \
    -d health_reward=10000000
  1. Add mnemonic to .env file. Copy the file .env.sample to .env, edit the file, and change the line: # MNEMONIC= to MNEMONIC=your mnemonic goes here

  2. Run a test airdrop

npm run airdrop -- -a all_rewards.csv -g 16 -n "This is an airdrop note" -t
  1. Looks good? Run for real:
npm run airdrop -- -a all_rewards.csv -g 16 -n "This is an airdrop note"

Airdrop script - airdrop.js

Performs an airdrop of network tokens to the accounts in <acctlist>, which is a CSV file containing three columns -- account address, account type, and atomic amount

Optional Parameters: -t -- Test mode - output details of transactions to be sent, but don't send them -b <blacklist> -- a CSV containing a list of accounts to exclude from the airdrop -g <group_size> -- the number of accounts to include in each atomic transaction group (note -- if an issue arrises with an address, such as it being invalid, all transactions in the group will fail and be included in the errorList.csv generated by the script) -m <mnemonic> -- mnemonic string (space-separated words) entered inside quotes (or use environment variable MNEMONIC) -n <note> -- note to be included in each transaction

Usage: npm run airdrop -- -a <acctlist> [-t] [-b <blacklist>] [-g <group_size>] [-m "mnemonic"] [-n "note"]

Epoch reward calculaton script - epoch_calc.js

Given a START and END, and an integer of atomic tokens (EPOCHREWARD) to distribute evenly among block proposers, this script calculates the number of tokens to distribute to each block proposer and writes it to FILENAME. This output file can then be used as the <acctList> input to airdrop.js to airdrop the alloted tokens to each address.

Note: Due to the intensity and time required to read blocks from the indexer API, this script will create a SQLite database file named proposers.db. The database is used to store block information and acts as a local cache.

START and END may be block numbers or dates. If a date is provided, the script will automatically locate the first block available on the START date and the last block available on the END date

Usage: npm run epoch_calc -- -s START -e END -r EPOCHREWARD [-f FILENAME] [-b BLACKLIST]
Example: npm run epoch_calc -- -s 240000 -e 250000 -r 2500000 -f rewards.csv -b blacklist.csv Example: npm run epoch_calc -- -s 2023-09-25 -e 2023-10-01 -r 2500000 -f rewards.csv -b blacklist.csv

Epoch reward calculation from API - epoch_calc_api.js

Similar to epoch_calc but instead of using a local SQLite database, it will use an API to retrieve block proposers.

Usage: npm run epoch_calc_api -- -s START -e END -r EPOCHREWARD [-f FILENAME] [-b BLACKLIST]
Example: npm run epoch_calc_api -- -s 240000 -e 250000 -r 2500000 -f rewards.csv -b blacklist.csv Example: npm run epoch_calc_api -- -s 2023-09-25 -e 2023-10-01 -r 2500000 -f rewards.csv -b blacklist.csv

Account bucketing script - buckets.js

Usage: npm run buckets

NOTE: buckets.js is incomplete.

Block finder by timestamp - find_block.js

Given a timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:II:SS, find the block produced at the specified time, or the next block produced after the specified time. For example, if block 123 is produced at 2023-08-30T07:59:59 and block 124 is produced at 2023-08-30T08:00:01, and the TIMESTAMP input is 2023-08-30T08:00:00 then the script will return 124.

Note that a Z must be included in the time to use UTC time, otherwise the search will be performed based on the local machine timezone.

This script will also accept a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD and will perform a search for the first and last block produced between 12:00:00AM and 11:59:59PM GMT, and will output the command to run epoch_calc.js

Usage: npm run find_block -- -t TIMESTAMP
Example: npm run find_block -- -t 2023-09-19

Block scraper - block_follower.js

This utility script builds out a local SQLite database named proposers.db by pulling block data from API endpoints. It stores the block number, proposer, and block timestamp in the database to be used by epoch_calc.js and the proposers API.

Usage: npm run block_follower -- [-f FILENAME]

Account Balance Snapshot Tool - balances.js

This script calculates the account balances of all accounts with a VOI or VIA balance. By default the snapshot will be taken of the current block at the time the script is executed. An optional -r parameter may be provided to specify the snapshot block.

Usage: npm run balances -- -a [account] [-r round] [-b blacklist.csv]

All parameters are optional:

  • If no account is provided, script will iterate and snapshot balances for all accounts
  • If no round is provided, script will snapshot the current round
  • If no blacklist is provided, script will not filter out any accounts

If the -a parameter is used, the output will only be to the screen. If the -a parameter is not provided, the current balances will be written to the file balances.csv.

Environment Variables

Environment variables can be stored in a .env file in the root folder. A sample env file is located in the root folder named env.sample. Uncomment a line and add a value to override the value used by this package.

Algod and Indexer clients will default to nodely's voi-testnet nodes, but can be configured with the environment variables:


Menonic to be used by Airdrop script: