
home assistant

HA (HomeAssistant)

This is the redacted version of my HomeAssistant setup

NB! This is very outdated. Template-automations might not work anymore!


  • Add Hue Motion Sensor to config.
  • Make detailed guide for how to use State attributes for Steam using templates.
  • Further expand triggers for Steam based on gametitles.
  • Expand even more by adding curl-pull for game features (i.e. co-op supported games).
  • Decide if using a locally-hosted features-library based on steam-library would be faster. If so, use JSON-format.
  • Add sensors from Z-Wave (Window and door-sensors, check if open/closed).
  • Make security-setup based on motion-sensors and window/door-sensors.

Experimental Todo-list

  • LED-grid triggered by steam profiles, set colors by game-title.
  • Expand LED-grid to include curl-pulled featureslist for games (i.e. co-op games).


The Media-tab


Status and controls for xBian (Kodi) and not much used Chromecast after I started using xBian.

The Home-tab


The first screen to check the weather and travel-options. Last part not integrated yet.

Triggers logbook


Example of triggers working from the logbook