
Small processing program for creating grid-based compositions

Primary LanguageProcessing


v1.0.0 GridSpace Example
2008 - Under an Artistic License 2.0


  • SPACE create a new line
  • o (switch), for "returning to the origin mode" on/off
  • m (switch), for "ball`s mode", if it repels or attracts
  • g (3 value switch), for drawing the grid in different modes (no display, square and curved)
  • p (4 value switch) different ways of rendering the points
  • 1 make it smaller
  • 2 make it bigger
  • s save the current frame to a bitmap under the /img folder
  • S save the current frame to a PDF under the /pdf folder
  • z - x toggle the power of attraction or repulsion on the red ball
  • l (switch) to draw (or no to draw) the lines
  • L clear all the lines
  • a reduce line weight
  • e increase line weight
  • c remove colors
  • C invert light/dark foreground/background
  • v randomize colors
  • h regenerate transparencies and weights
  • b lighten
  • k darken
  • , . toggle curve tension
  • q exit
  • - - - move the entire grid in mouseX units

I'm totally aware that these key commands are a little bit awkward. Please bare it with me.

Note: colors are acquired randomly from this palette color palette which can be found in the /data folder. By editing this file, you'll modify line colors.