
*Multi-column Note Editor* incompatible with *Chinese Support* add-on

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, Houssam,

Thank you again for creating, maintaining, and enhancing two Anki add-ons I find highly useful: Multi-column Note Editor and Advanced Browser.

Summary of issue: When the Chinese Support add-on is loaded, the Multi-column Note Editor add-on displays the note's fields in a single column in the Browser window. Also, two fields that would display colored glyphs in the note editor if only the Chinese Support add-on were loaded, display monochrome glyphs in the note editor when the Multi-column Note Editor is also loaded.

Question: Can you correct this behavior by altering only the code for the Multi-column Note Editor add-on? Or will Thomas Tempé need also to make changes to the code for the Chinese Support add-on? Would you like me to alert Thomas to this issue?

My software config: Anki 2.0.26 running under Mac OS X 10.7.5. Beside the two add-ons mentioned above, I also load the latest versions of these add-ons: Advanced Browser, Add Note ID, and Export Browser's Card List Contents to CSV File.

The two fields that should display colored glyphs in the note editor are called Pinyin and Color. When creating a new note, the Chinese Support add-on fills in the values for these two fields. (I have not tried creating notes when both the Chinese Support and the Multi-column Note Editor add-ons are loaded, so I do not know if notes are correctly created when both add-ons are loaded.) When both add-ons are loaded, these fields still display colored glyphs in the Preview window and in the cards under study mode, they only display as monochrome glyphs in the note editor.

Before submitting this issue, I read the closed issue #9 and followed the testing procedure you outlined there.

With kind regards,
Yang2Gui3zi 洋鬼子

hssm commented

I can't say for sure what needs to happen to make them both work together, and I don't have the time right now to look at what the Chinese Support add-on is doing. I've tried my best to make my add-on shuffle around the contents of the editor without overwriting the data in it, so I would say that the Chinese Support add-on would need to:
1 - Not rely on the specific order of elements it modifies (but use IDs instead)
2 - Not overwrite the table with its own modified copy but modify it in-place