Django-mptt-admin provides a nice Django Admin interface for Mptt models. The source is available on It uses the jqTree library.
The package is tested with Django (1.4 - 1.7), and Mptt (0.6.0, 0.6.1). Also with Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.3, 3.4.
- This version is not compatible with Django 1.3. Please use django-mptt-admin 0.1.2 for Django 1.3 support.
Install the package:
$ pip install django_mptt_admin
Add django_mptt_admin to your installed apps in
Use the DjangoMpttAdmin class in
from django.contrib import admin
from django_mptt_admin.admin import DjangoMpttAdmin
from models import Country
class CountryAdmin(DjangoMpttAdmin):
pass, CountryAdmin)
Auto-open node. Default value is 1.
- True: autopen all nodes
- False: do not autoopen
- integer: autopen until this level
Load on demand (True / False). Default is True.
Autoescape (True / False). Default is True.
Autoescape titles in tree.
development version
- Issue 31: added autoescape option
0.1.9 (july 12 2014)
- Issue 25: update jqtree to 0.21.0
- Issue 28: fixing problems related to working with model's pk-field, named other than "id" (thanks to Igor Gai)
- Issue 29: fix path to spinner.gif (thanks to Igor Gai)
0.1.8 (februari 2 2014)
- Issue 17: handle error when moving node
- Issue 18: do not use inline javascript
- Issue 19: support Django 1.7 alpha
0.1.7 (january 3 2014)
- Issue 16: moving a node fails if the node id is a uuid
0.1.6 (october 10 2013)
- Issue 8: removing node from the tree causes the tree view to crash
0.1.5 (august 27 2013)
- Issue 6: save the tree state
- Issue 7: do not handle the right mouse click
0.1.4 (august 8 2013)
- Issue 5: Support for uuid ids
0.1.3 (may 2 2013)
This version drops support for Django 1.3.7
- Issue 2: Posting a screenshot in the readme would be really useful (thanks to Andy Baker)
- Issue 3: Use static templatetag for CDN-compatible file paths (thanks to Alex Holmes)
- Added Coveralls support
0.1.2 (march 12 2013)
- Issue 1: Grid view doesn't link correctly to object change pages (thanks to Kris Fields)
0.1.1 (februari 25 2013)
- Added experimental Python 3 support
0.1 (februari 7 2013)
- Initial version