
[WIP] A powerful set of reusable SwiftUI components and modifiers

Primary LanguageSwift


MegaX, representing Modifiers, Elements, Graphical and Abstractions, is a powerful SwiftUI framework which offers a set of modifiers and components for SwiftUI.

MegaX comes with a set of Views and Modifiers I often use in my project. The goal of the package is to accelerate developement process.

MegaX is currently compatible with iOS 17 or later.


AsyncButton is a simple Button but with progress indicator and async action environment.


AsyncButton("Download", systemName: "arrow.down.circle") {
    await download()


When you need capture photos, CameraView comes in.

CameraView is a system-like camera view with support for manual focus and exposure, zooming with gesture or with lens switcher.

It automatically handles element orientation, but need developers to add AppOrientationDelegate to the App declaration.

import SwiftUI
import MegaX

struct MyCameraApp: App {
    // This is needed, or the orientation behavior may be wired.
    @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppOrientationDelegate.self) private var delegate

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            CameraView { photoCaptured in
                print("photoData: \(photoCaptured)")}

You can also add a custom status bar and a photo album button.

CameraView { photoData in
    print("Photo Captured")
} photoAlbum: {
    // A custom album button to display the lastest captured photo
    RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 8)
        .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
        .frame(height: 56)

If you want to customize the Camera, the available modifiers are

  • autoDeferredPhotoDeliveryEnabled
  • zeroShutterLagEnabled
  • responsiveCaptureEnabled
  • fastCapturePrioritizationEnabled
  • captureWhenMultiTaskingEnabled
  • cameraStabilizationMode

Backdrop Blur

High performance backdrop blur layer with just one line of code.

    .backdropBlur(smoothEdges: .bottom)

Extensions for SwiftUI

if-else modifier

Creating conditional modifier just like writing normal code.

But be careful when using this extension modifier because it might lead to poor performance and unexpected behavior.

Use this modifier only when the condition value will not change through the view's lifecycle, like using DeviceType to add platform specific adjustments.