
A Zettelkasten-based repository on machine learning

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


This repository is a machine learning notebook developed in Obsidian.

Setting up Quartz

1. Initialize quartz with

npx quartz create

1.1. You are then asked to choose between three different methods of initializing the content in your directory:

- Empty Quartz
- Copy an existing folder
- Symlink an existing folder

Select Symlink an existing folder and use the full path (i.e. /home/ml.md) to the Obsidian vault.

1.2. You should then see something like this:

Choose how Quartz should resolve links in your content. You can change this later in `quartz.config.ts`.
- Treat links as absolute path
- Treat links as shortest path
- Treat links as relative paths

What you select here is dependent on how you prefer to handle links in Obsidian. By default, Obsidian uses the shortest path where possible.

2. Sync the changes with

npx quartz sync --no-pull

3. After all the changes have been done, sync them with

npx quartz sync

Updating Site with New Notes

In the folder /home/ml.md run

make public