
English-Vietnamese Bilingual Translation with Positional Separated Attention Transformer

Primary LanguagePython

English-Vietnamese Bilingual Translation using Transformer model applied Separated Positional Embedding (SPETModel)

  author    = {The Ho Sy},
  title     = {English-Vietnamese Bilingual Translation with Transformer},
  year      = {2023},
  url       = {https://github.com/hsthe29/Translation},

Model Architecture

  • Modified from Vanilla Transformer's Architecture


Training Task:

  • Target Masked Translation Modeling (Target MTM)
    • Target MTM:
        input: ["en<s>", "How", "are", "you?", "</s>"]
        target in: ["vi<s>", "Bạn", "có", "<mask>", "không?", "</s>"]
        target out: ["Bạn", "có", "khỏe", "không?", "</s>", "<pad>"]
        input: ["en<s>", "How", "are", "you?", "</s>"]
        target in: ["vi<s>"]
        Autoregressive -> full target out: ["vi<s>", Bạn", "có", "khỏe", "không?", "</s>"]

Bilingual Vocabulary:

  • English sentence start token: en<s>
  • Vietnamese sentence start token: vi<s>
  • End sentence token: </s>
  • Mask token: <mask> for task MLM (training only)


  • Natural english "Hello, how are you?", target start token "vi<s>":
    • Transform to "en<s> Hello, how are you? </s>"
    • Target: "vi<s> Xin chào, bạn có khỏe không? </s>""
  • Natural vietnamese "Xin chào, bạn có khỏe không?", target start token "en<s>":
    • Transform to "vi<s> Xin chào, bạn có khỏe không? </s>"
    • Target: "en<s> Hello, how are you? </s>""

Model configuration

Preload dataset

  • Because of the large amount of data, my resources are limited, so I have to process and segment the data to be able to train the model.
  • Preload parameter:
    • seed: a seed to create randoms from random generator
    • shuffle: if True, the dataset will be shuffled before chunked
    • chunk_size: size of each chunk

Training parameters

  • Optimizer: AdamW
  • Learning rate scheduler: WarmupLinearLR
Training arguments:
  - config: "assets/config/configV1.json"
  - load_prestates: True
  - epochs: 20
  - init_lr: 1e-4
  - train_data_dir: /path_to_train_data_dir/
  - val_data_dir: /path_to_val_data_dir/
  - train_batch_size: 16
  - val_batch_size: 32
  - print_steps: 500
  - validation_steps: 1000
  - max_warmup_steps: 10000
  - gradient_accumulation_steps: 4
  - save_state_steps: 1000
  - weight_decay: 0.001
  - warmup_proportion: 0.1
  - use_gpu: True
  - max_grad_norm: 1.0
  - save_ckpt: True
  - ckpt_loss_path: /path_to_loss_ckpt/
  - ckpt_bleu_path: /path_to_bleu_ckpt/
  - state_path: /path_to_state/


$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python preload_data.py --config=... --data_dir=... --save_dir=... --chunk_size=... --shuffle=...
$ python train.py [training arguments]



Attention Maps

Web server

  • Use Flask to deploy a simple web server run on localhost that provides bilingual translation and visualizes attention weights between pairs of sentences
  • Use Plotly.js to visualize attention maps.
  • Use checkpoint at step 100k (25k update steps), Cross Entropy per tokens: 3.5154,
    • Download checkpoint and edit "pretrained_path" (path that checkpoint has been downloaded) in config file
  • Run: $ python run_app.py or $ python3 run_app.py

Simple UI

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