
Socket++ is a family of C++ classes that gives the same interface as the iostream classes for input and output for communication between processes.

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

This directory contains the source for the C++ socket library
Version: 12Jan1997 1.11

	README.....................this file
	configure config.h.in, Makefile.in, acconfig.h
        configure.in...............configuring files
	sockstream.h...............contains sockbuf, sockAddr, isockstream,
				   osockstream, iosockstream class
	sockstream.C...............related to sockstream.h
	pipestream.h...............contains ipipestream, opipestream, and
				   iopipestream class definitions. They are
				   used instead of pipe and socketpair system
				   calls and popen C library function call.
	pipestream.C...............related to pipestream.h
	sockinet.h.................contains sockinetbuf, sockinetaddr classes.
			           It also contains the definitions of
				   isockinet, osockinet, and iosockinet stream
	sockinet.C.................related to sockinet.h
	sockunix.h.................contains sockunix, sockunixaddr classes.
				   It also contains the definitions of
				   isockunix, osockunix, and iosockunix stream
	sockunix.C.................related to sockunix.h

	Fork.h.....................wrapper class for fork () system call.
        sig.h......................wrapper class Unix signals.

	protocol.h, protocol.C.....base class for application protocols.
	echo.h, echo.C.............Echo application protocol class.
	smtp.h, smtp.C.............SMTP application protocol class.
	ftp.h, ftp.C...............FTP application protocol class.

	socket++.texi..............texinfo file for libsocket++.a

	tdunread.cc, tdunwrite.cc..test files for datagram unix sockets
	tdinread.cc, tdinwrite.cc..test files for datagram inet sockets
	tsunread.cc, tsunwrite.cc..test files for stream unix sockets
	tsinread.cc, tsinwrite.cc..test files for stream inet sockets
	tpipe.cc...................test file for pipe system call
	tsockpair.cc...............test file for sockpair system call
	tpopen.cc, tpopentest.cc...test files for popen function
	testall.cc.................runs all the above tests
	testall.exp................correct output of testall

	tnntp.cc, tsmtp.cc, twhois.cc
	tsendfiles.cc, thostnames.cc...........Some more examples

Copyright Notice:
Copyright (C) 1992-1996 Gnanasekaran Swaminathan <gs4t@virginia.edu>

Permission is granted to use at your own risk and distribute this software
in source and  binary forms provided  the above copyright notice and  this
paragraph are  preserved on all copies.  This software is provided "as is"
with no express or implied warranty.

Installation Note:
This software has been tested in sun4 running SunOs4.1.3 machine only.
If you are having problems with any aspect of socket++, please
email me at gs4t@virginia.edu. We can fix it together.

This software works with proposed C++ standard iostream library. Thus
if you are using libg++, you need at least libg++-2.7.2.

Your C++ compiler should be able to handle C++ exceptions and templates.
Thus if you are using G++, you need at least gcc-2.7.2.

socket++.texi needs at least texinfo-2.16.

Gcc, libg++, and texinfo are all available for anonymous ftp from

	cd socket++-1.11
	env CCC=c++ ./configure --prefix="your favorite location"
	cd test
	make check     

If you are using a compiler that is invoked by a command other than c++, 
use that command instead on CCC=c++ in the above.

make check will automatically run testall.

You can also manually test as follows:
	./testall > testall.out
	diff -c testall.out testall.exp
If there are any differences, manually check whether 
testall.out and testall.exp have the same lines but only their
order is different. If they have the same lines but
for the order, you have installed properly. Otherwise,
try to findout what might be the reason and if you couldn't
please email me with your problem at gs4t@virginia.edu.

Bug reports:
Send them to me at gs4t@virginia.edu


12Jan97 1.11
  . This release brings back error handling through the use of
    exceptions. I have not included any other enhancements in
    this release. 
  . Document is out-of-date. I will work on it in the next release.
  . class sig is added. It is useful for handling signals.

17Oct95 1.10
  . Made to work cleanly in RS6000 machines
  . Bug fixes sent in by Blair incorporated.

07Aug95 1.9
  . Exceptions dropped as many compilers do not support
    it yet. A number of small bug fixes.
  . Made to work with libg++-2.7.0 and gcc-2.7.0
  . Configuration simplified greatly by Blair.

15Jan95 1.8
  . Error handling greatly enhanced through the use
    of exceptions.
  . FTP class added.

08Nov94 1.7
  . First stable version. Known to work in sunos4, aix3.2,
    hpux, ultrix, linux, and osf2.
Gordon Joly <G.Joly@cs.ucl.ac.uk> for reporting bugs in
pipestream class implementation. He also knows how to make
the socket++ library a shared library. 

Jim Anderson for reporting a bug in sockinet.C

Carl Gay <cgay@skinner.cs.uoregon.edu> for reporting a bug
and a fix in sockinet.C

Oliver Imbusch <flabes@parystec.de> for reporting a bug
in Makefile.in and suggesting several enhancements for sockbuf class.

Dierk Wendt <wendt@lambda.hella.de> for reporting errors
in the socket++ documentation.

Christian Schlichtherle <s_schli@ira.uka.de> for sending
patches for linux support.

Ed Martini <emartini@netcom.com> and taylor d fraley <taylor@mik.uky.edu>
sent in some more linux fixes.

Dan R. Greening <greening@zuni.chaco.com> for a fix in sockstream.h

Mike Christiansen for sending patches for hpux support and
memory leaks. He used purify to check for memory leaks.

Nanlin Xiao <nxiao@eng.tridom.com> for sending fixes
to compile under Objectcenter C++ compiler.

Solaris support is still weak, and thus the names
of people who helped to port to solaris is not listed
here yet.

V. Olshevsky <ovg@nusun.jinr.dubna.su> for catching sequence
point bugs in tdinwrite.C.

Blair Zajac <blair@olympia.gps.caltech.edu> provided the autoconfig
files and Makefile.ins needed to generate the configure and Makefiles
and a number of bug fixes.



Gnanasekaran Swaminathan (gs4t@virginia.edu)
CSIS Lab. Dept. of Elec. Eng.
University of Virginia
Charlottesville VA 22903