ArcSight's Common Event Format library
This library is able to generate, validate and send CEF events (currently peaking at about 3400 EPS)
It uses CSV files with the CEF field names as headers in the first line and then sends it at the specified EPS rate to the configured UDP Syslog destination.
Below you can see cefevent being used as an standalone program to replay CEF events from a CSV file.
usage: [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--auto_send] [--eps EPS]
CEF builder and replayer
positional arguments:
DEFINITION_FILE an file containing event definitions
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST Syslog destination address
--port PORT Syslog destination port
--auto_send Auto send logs
--eps EPS Max EPS
python --host localhost --port 10514 --auto_send --eps 10000 /tmp/example_cef_csv
[*] [2016-07-21T03:27:30] There are 149 events in the poll. The max EPS is set to 10000
[*] [2016-07-21T03:27:40] Current EPS: 3479.0691266185677
[*] [2016-07-21T03:27:50] Current EPS: 3909.1143903948505
[*] [2016-07-21T03:28:00] Current EPS: 3703.146674687884
[*] [2016-07-21T03:28:10] Current EPS: 3521.793641832017
[*] [2016-07-21T03:28:20] Current EPS: 3678.019083580161
[*] [2016-07-21T03:28:30] Current EPS: 3649.0109641324752
[*] [2016-07-21T03:28:33] 228248 events sent since 2016-07-21 03:27:30.502906
from cefevent import CEFEvent
c = CEFEvent()
c.get_field_metadata('c6a1', 'full_name')
c.get_field_metadata('c6a1', 'data_type')
'IPv6 Address'
c.get_field_metadata('c6a1', 'description')
'One of four IPV6 address fields available to map fields that do not apply to any other in this dictionary.'
{'data_type': 'IPv6 Address',
'description': 'One of four IPV6 address fields available to map fields that do not apply to any other in this dictionary.',
'full_name': 'deviceCustomIPv6Address1',
'length': 0,
'name': 'c6a1'}
from cefevent import CEFEvent
c = CEFEvent()
from cefevent import CEFEvent
c = CEFEvent()
c.set_field('name', 'Event Name')
c.set_field('deviceVendor', 'Hyades Inc.')
c.set_field('deviceProduct', 'cefevent')
# Equal signs will be automatically escaped (and so will pipes (|) and backslashes (\\), as per the white paper specification)
c.set_field('message', 'This is a test event (Answer=42)')
# All fields have some sort of validation, check the test() function for examples
c.set_field('sourceAddress', '')
c.set_field('sourcePort', 12345)
# Finally, generate the CEF line
'CEF:0|Hyades Inc.|cefevent|1.0|0|Event Name|5|spt=12345 src= msg=This is a test event (Answer\\=42)'