
Repository for e2a analysis

Primary LanguageC++


Repository for everything e2a. In this repository, you will find:

- skim_tree.cpp : this is the flagship code of the repository
                     it skims data for a selected reaction type, applying PID and 
		 fiducial cuts
- cut_library : a library with classes that can apply PID, Fiducial cuts,
                     corrections, etc.
- calibration_data : a directory with data files read in by the cut_library
- cut_production : has programs used to generate the data files in calibration_data
- maps : a directory containing acceptance maps, and the code used to create them
- write_tree : a directory for code used to convert BOS files into a root format
                  suitable for skimming
- Rey_neutrons : a directory for Rey's e2a work
- Axel_analysis : a directory for Axel's e2a work
- Adin_analysis : a directory for Adin's e2a work

For a minimal working example of how one might analyze skimmed data, see the program Axel_analysis/example_analysis.cpp

Features we would like to add in the future: - Acceptance maps - Resolution maps - Background subtraction codes

URGENT THINGS THAT ARE MISSING - Vertex corrections for 4 GeV Iron - 1 GeV anything.