
Get facebook events from location with Python 3

Primary LanguagePython

forthebadge forthebadge

Python Facebook Bot

Make your life easier

What is this?

This is a Facebook Bot/Assistant, writen in Python 3 and using Facebook API for some specific tasks.
At the moment, I only implement it some functions to crawl/get Facebook's events by location, since Facebook shutdown that APIs.

What do I need? (requirements.txt)

Right now, I'm only using requests for requesting APIs.


To install python-facebook-bot, simply:

$ pip install python-facebook-bot

How to use?

First, you need to create a Facebook App for Developer.
Then, run export command for CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET.

$ export CLIENT_ID="Your facebook app's ID"
$ export CLIENT_SECRET="Your facebook app's secret key"

Then you can import facebook_bot and use it's methods.
Example with IPython:

Python 3.5.2 (default, Nov 17 2016, 17:05:23)
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In [1]: import facebook_bot

In [2]: facebook_bot.get_events(1572248819704068)
{'1572248819704068': {'events': {'data': [{'attending_count': 35,
     'category': 'FAMILY_EVENT',
     'cover': {'id': '1667937513468531',
      'source': 'https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-0/p180x540/12898397_1667937513468531_267697016695005514_o.jpg?oh=1ea3755b790a6837febf9621a3b23f6f&oe=597E6E0D'},
     'declined_count': 0,
     'description': "2020 is just a few years away. Will you join the World for this epic New Years' celebration? I know that you will. I look forward to celebrating with you. \n\nThis is a virtual event and the whole planet is invited.",
     'id': '447828138744610',
     'maybe_count': 119,
     'name': 'Happy New Year 2020',
     'noreply_count': 43,
In [3]:

Where are the tests?

Just run $ python setup.py test
It's may take a while, because we need to scan all available pages.

And here is your Cat