
Simple build scripts for frontend development.

MIT LicenseMIT

npm build scripts

Simple build scripts for frontend development based on npm.


  • Browsersync : Keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites.
  • Imagemin : Minify images: JPEG, PNG, GIF and SVG.
  • ESLint : Lint ECMAScript/JavaScript code.
  • Sass : Compile Sass stylesheets to CSS.
  • Autoprefixer : Add vendor prefixes to CSS rules.


Mini +Lint +Styles Full
ESLint - -
Sass & Autoprefixer - -
Download Download Download Download

How to use

  1. Download package.json from above.

  2. Create public directory and place your web contents in it.

    ├── public/        : Static web contents
    └── package.json   : Download from this repository
  3. Install dependencies.

    $ npm install
  4. Start development.

    $ npm start

Sass coding

If you want to code stylesheets in Sass, just create Sass files in public.
CSS will be generated in the same folder.

public/styles/_partial.scss     # Partial will not be generated to a CSS file


  • npm start
    Start local development server.
    During development, Sass compiler and ESLint will run automatically when you save a file.

  • npm test
    Run ESLint.

  • npm run build
    Run ESLint, compile Sass to CSS and optimize images.

  • npm run
    Show all available tasks. See npm-run-script document for more details.


Copyright (c) 2016 Hiroyuki Tanjo. Licensed under the MIT License.