
Aptitude aliases module for zsh

Primary LanguageShell

Easy to remember semi-pacman-style aliases for some common Aptitude commands.

Mostly for personal use, but will work for anyone using Aptitude


Aptitude Aliases: corresponding letters in description capitalized for mneumonic help ;)

yah: show this Help

yai: Install

yar: Remove

yap: Purge

yas: Search

yad: show (show Details of a package)

yay: update (sYnchronize)

yau: safe-Upgrade

yayu: update (sYnchronize) -> safe-Upgrade

yauf: Full-Upgrade (may remove packages)

yayuf: update (sYnchronize) -> Full-Upgrade (may remove packages)


Zsh (zprezto):

git clone https://github.com/HardyTaylorJ/aptitude-custom-aliases.git .zprezto/modules/

Enable 'aptitude-custom-aliases' in zsh modules

Open new instance of zsh (like a new terminal)


Either load in the alias file through your shell rc file or just copy and paste the contexts of the file to the end of your rc file