
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Git web scrapper

Tool for automating GitHub and GitLab public info extraction. You can run it directly or as a container.

This app, currently, gathers the following information about an user: User projects (repos), branches, languages and commits

I - Standard:

1- pip3 install -r requirements.txt

2- Have a csv (no header) file with git lab/hub user names

3- Create a config.json file and pass it's adress to the function in main.py

4- Set an enviroment variable (ACCESS_TOKEN_HUB or ACCESS_TOKEN_LAB) with your access token

5- Run it

II - Dockerized:

1- Fill in your git hub/lab token on Dockerfile

2- Create file system folders for:

  • App config: /LOCAL_FS/CONFIG
  • Input data: /LOCAL_FS/DATA
  • Output file: /LOCAL_FS/DUMP

3- Write down:

  • JSON config file on /LOCAL_FS/CONFIG
  • CSV file (no header) withe the users you want to parse data from on /LOCAL_FS/DATA

4- Build:

$ docker build . -t gitwebscrapper:0.1

5- Run:

$ docker container rm -f gitwebscrapper

$ docker run --name gitwebscrapper -v /LOCAL_FS/CONFIG:/config/ -v /LOCAL_FS/DATA:/data -v /LOCAL_FS/DUMP:/dump -d gitwebscrapper:0.1

$ docker logs gitwebscrapper


    "git": "lab",                           # either 'lab' or 'hub'
    "commits": true,                        # true/false to add user's commit history
    "users": "/data/users_lab.csv",         # csv (no header) list of users to parse data
    "output": "/dump/dump.json"             # output file. leave blank ("") for no output file

Make sure that the folders on config.json match the ones you mount when you run the cointainer.