Deprecation Notice - this code is old and will not be maintained. Any pull requests or issues will not be seen. I would not recommend running this bot. Instead, I would recommend using Shift²
This file is needed for configuration.
"token": "",
"prefix": ".",
"maintainers": [""],
"defaultGuildDB": {
"prefix": ".",
"strikes": {},
"welcomeMessages": false,
"welcomeChannel": "general",
"welcomeMsg": "Howdy, {user}. Welcome to {server}!",
"leaveMessages": false,
"leaveChannel": "general",
"leaveMsg": "Farewell, {user}.",
"agree": false,
"agreeRole": "Member",
"loggingChannel": "",
"logging": false
"web": {
"port": 2020
"id": "",
"secret": ""
Just fill in the blanks.
I highly recommend not running this bot - it's not secure and Shift² is a much better bot. However, if you do want to run the bot, follow the steps.
- Clone the git repo
- Open the folder in something a terminal application
- Run
npm i
- Fill out the config.json file
- Run
node .
You're done! Shift v1 is now running on your bot account. A data folder will be automagically made by leveldown, so no need to worry about database things.