Student Grade Management System

Spring Boot Application

There is a school with 3 course in it. Theese 3 course are being taught in this school: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry Avarage grade, calculated according to 2 exams in a year. Avarage grade should be more than 50 for passing course. There are two school years, one active (2020-2021 school year) and one passive (2019-2020 school year). Students have grades and average grades for both active and passive school years.

The application has 3 apis

  • StudentAPI for CRUP operations
  • CourseAPI for CRUP operations
  • StudentCourseAPI for assing any course to any student
POST /api/v1/course/add - creates a new course
GET /api/v1/course/getbycode/{code} - retrieves a student according to identity
DELETE /api/v1/course/{code} - deletes course
PUT /api/v1/course/{code} - updates course
POST /api/v1/student/addCourse - creates a new student
GET /api/v1/student/getbyid/{identity} - retrieves a student according to identity
GET /api/v1/student/getall - retrieves all students 
DELETE /api/v1/student/{identity} - deletes student
PUT /api/v1/student/{identity} - updates student
POST /api/v1/studentcourse/add - creates a new student
POST /api/v1/studentcourse/getGradesOfStudent - retrives list all the grades and avarage grade of a student according to the school year code, course code and student id that will be given
POST /api/v1/studentcourse/getGradesOfAllStudents - list all the grades and avarage grade of all students according to the school year code and course code that will be given.
GET /api/v1/studentcourse/getbyid/{identity} - retrieves a studentcourse according to identity
GET /api/v1/studentcourse/getall - retrieves all studentcourses 
DELETE /api/v1/studentcourse/{identity} - deletes studentcourse
PUT /api/v1/studentcourse/{identity} - updates studentcourse

JUnit test coverage is 100% as well as unit and integration tests are available.

Tech Stack

  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Validation
  • Restful API
  • Swagger documentation
  • H2 In memory database
  • Docker
  • JUnit 5


  • Maven
  • Docker

Run & Build

Swagger UI will be run on this url
