
arXiv Terminal Search Tool

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

arXivSearcher: arXiv Terminal Search Tool

globalemu:arXiv Terminal Search Tool
Author: Harry Thomas Jones Bevins
Version: 1.0.0-beta.1

App for searching arXiv from the terminal.

Search arXiv from the terminal

Warning: The code is a minimal working example of a larger goal (see To Do list below) and is still in development.

With arXivSearcher you can currently search arXiv from the terminal for specific phrases and get relevant articles returned.

To install from source run

git clone https://github.com/htjb/arXivSearcher
cd arXivSearcher
python setup.py install --user

You can then perform searches from the terminal by entering the following

arXivSearcher 'string to search'

The results will be default be printed to the terminal and the most recent article will be the last one printed. You can also save the results to a a .txt in the present directory or have them emailed to you (currently only working for an outlook email address) by setting the type flag '-t'. For example

arXivSearcher 'string to search' -t txt


arXivSearcher 'string to search' -t email

When selecting email you will be prompted for your email address and password from the command line. WARNING: before using the email feature read the section below.

By default the results will not be date limited and only the 5 most recent articles containing the searched phrase will be returned. You can increase the number of returned articles by setting the flag -mr like so

arXivSearcher 'string to search' -mr 50

and you can then limit the returned articles to articles either published or updated on the date that the search was performed with the -dl flag e.g.

arXivSearcher 'string to search' -mr 50 -dl

Alternatively you can call the function directly in a python script like so

from scraper.search import searcher

searcher('string to search', date_limited=False, max_results=50)

An example search using the terminal is shown below.

Example Search Result


The code used to email the results sends the email to the same address that recieves the message. As a result the email appears in both your Inbox and Sent box. arXivSearcher will proceed to delete the email from your sent box and this has been tested and shown to be working. However, it is worth testing once yourself before you start making lots of searches.

To Do:

  • make the search options broader e.g. author ect rather than just strings
  • extend email code to other types of email
  • config file/cron job for daily update on a given search?


Under development.


The software is free to use on the MIT open source license.


While the code is in pre-release suggestions for features and existing bug fixes are welcome. Please raise an issue to discuss any pull requests.