
No TinyMCE appears in gutenberg block but appears in sidebar edition

Foorinto opened this issue · 2 comments


  • Carbon Fields: 3.6
  • WordPress: 6.5.2
  • PHP: 8.3

Expected Behavior

TinyMCE displayed in the gutenberg block

Actual Behavior

TinyMCE is not displaying in the gutenberg block, I get no error, neither conflict but this warning in the console:

carbon-fields-core-css was added to the iframe incorrectly. Please use block.json or enqueue_block_assets to add styles to the iframe.
<link rel="stylesheet" id="carbon-fields-core-css" href="[pathToTheme]/vendor/htmlburger/carbon-fields/build/gutenberg/core.min.css?ver=3.6.3" media="all">

But it works in the sidebar when you visualize the block (eye icon)


Container definition

add_action('carbon_fields_register_fields', 'crb_attach_gutenberg_options');
function crb_attach_gutenberg_options() {
    Block::make( __( 'My Shiny Gutenberg Block' ) )
	->add_fields( array(
		Field::make( 'text', 'heading', __( 'Block Heading' ) ),
		Field::make( 'image', 'image', __( 'Block Image' ) ),
		Field::make( 'rich_text', 'content', __( 'Block Content' ) ),
	) )
	->set_render_callback( function ( $fields, $attributes, $inner_blocks ) {
		<div class="block">
			<div class="block__heading">
				<h1><?php echo esc_html( $fields['heading'] ); ?></h1>
			</div><!-- /.block__heading -->

			<div class="block__image">
				<?php echo wp_get_attachment_image( $fields['image'], 'full' ); ?>
			</div><!-- /.block__image -->

			<div class="block__content">
				<?php echo apply_filters( 'the_content', $fields['content'] ); ?>
			</div><!-- /.block__content -->
		</div><!-- /.block -->
	} );

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Intall carbon fields (composer require htmlburger/carbon-fields)
  2. Use rich_text in functions.php


Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't find it. Can anyone help me ?

I also get the same issue than this threand on the forum:

Thanks in advance.