- 4
Media gallery doest not appear for image field
#1265 opened by MrZyr0 - 2
- 0
- 0
Custom post meta table for products
#1267 opened by yilmazer - 1
- 0
Complex Group - Select2 dropdowns lose function after dragging complex group
#1264 opened by henrik-dons - 0
Limit block to specific CPT
#1263 opened by MrZyr0 - 1
- 0
Extended the Widget class is broken from PHP 8.1 onwards
#1261 opened by c0ntax - 0
API for Batch Queries
#1260 opened by Tanguy-Magnaudet - 1
- 1
WPML compatability
#1251 opened by rstrah - 1
SVG's Not Rendering for Image Field Type
#1210 opened by romanberdnikov - 0
Multiselect - Cannot remove last item.
#1258 opened by ShaneMuir - 2
UI Translations not working
#1235 opened by MaxGruson - 0
- 2
Tutorial doesn't work (Theme options example)
#1213 opened by SamTyurenkov - 0
Issue with carbon field `media_gallery` after image is deleted from wordpress media library
#1256 opened by uldisrudzitis - 0
Updating to Carbon Fields 3.6.5 changes the sort order of associated posts
#1255 opened by natecovington - 1
Comunity Forum
#1254 opened by Nickyg001 - 8
- 4
Carbon Fields Not Supported in WordPress 6.6 Update
#1240 opened by tanjilahmed7 - 2
Your site doesn’t include support for the "carbon-fields/mft-release-year" block. You can leave this block intact or remove it entirely
#1253 opened by pozitronios - 3
Is this framework dead ?
#1249 opened by mark-alexandre - 4
Carbon Fields image gallery issue (can`t upload more that 954 images)
#1247 opened by KostiantynSamusiev - 5
Compatibility issue with php 8.3.1
#1217 opened by rstrah - 6
Removing the last item in a multiselect creates a map error in the console.
#1205 opened by dtracey-fi - 1
Make changes for render method in Carbon_Fields\Container\Block_Container.php
#1244 opened by htmldiz - 0
- 2
- 1
Can't get value outside the loop
#1216 opened by red-made - 0
- 0
Problem with Complex.
#1234 opened by prosvitco-artur - 0
Media Gallery images not displaying in secondary language when using WPML
#1233 opened by timpoole-ab - 1
Carbon Fields no longer working after WP 6.1.5
#1221 opened by zadro - 0
association field PHP Notice
#1232 opened by alex-l-iwpdev - 0
CSS was added to the iframe incorrectly
#1230 opened by hadamlenz - 3
This project has been discontinued
#1228 opened by fernandopro - 0
List of woocommerce attributes in the association field
#1227 opened by Alex18595 - 2
undefined method 'set_render_callback'
#1226 opened by sakralbar - 0
Bug: jQuery event only fires after adding second item to complex group; not on first item
#1225 opened by henrik-dons - 0
Custom scripts field
#1224 opened by elmarievz - 0
- 0
preview mode on with edit option
#1220 opened by deepaksp - 1
directory_to_url() returning empty string
#1218 opened by RBFraphael - 2
- 0
Complex fields collapse bug
#1214 opened by jerome-barbato - 1
- 1
wp.compose.withState is deprecated since version 5.8
#1206 opened by fernandopro - 1
Add AutoComplete as acceptable attribute
#1203 opened by atwellpub