
Multiselect - Cannot remove last item.

ShaneMuir opened this issue · 0 comments


  • Carbon Fields: ^3.6
  • WordPress: 6.6.2
  • PHP: 8.2

Expected Behavior

Please enter the expected behavior here
When clicking the remove button on the last option you'd expect the multiselect to be empty but we get a console error instead.

Actual Behavior

Please enter the actual, unexpected behavior here
Last item doesn't remove and console error logged.

draftJs.js:1 browsecSiteContentScript: data is not for auth
(anonymous) @ browsecSiteContentScript.js:1
r @ draftJs.js:1
f.setImmediate @ draftJs.js:1
S @ vendor.min.js:49
P @ vendor.min.js:49
(anonymous) @ draftJs.js:1
h @ draftJs.js:1
a @ draftJs.js:1
r @ draftJs.js:1
f.setImmediate @ draftJs.js:1
S @ vendor.min.js:49
L @ vendor.min.js:49
t.unstable_scheduleCallback @ vendor.min.js:49
mc @ vendor.min.js:39
Hl @ vendor.min.js:39
Bl @ vendor.min.js:39
Ac @ vendor.min.js:39
Dc.render.zc.render @ vendor.min.js:39
l @ metaboxes.min.js:1
(anonymous) @ metaboxes.min.js:1
(anonymous) @ vendor.min.js:16
lr @ vendor.min.js:16
(anonymous) @ vendor.min.js:16
uu @ vendor.min.js:16
f @ metaboxes.min.js:1
(anonymous) @ metaboxes.min.js:1
(anonymous) @ vendor.min.js:49
be @ core.min.js:12
(anonymous) @ post.php?post=3327&action=edit:2364
Show 1 more frame
Show lessUnderstand this warning
vendor.min.js:39 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'map')
    at Object.onChange (core.min.js:1:112317)
    at n.value (core.min.js:1:311799)
    at e.onChange (core.min.js:1:311096)
    at o.onChange (core.min.js:1:285026)
    at o.removeValue (core.min.js:1:286769)
    at onClick (core.min.js:1:303726)
    at Object.Le (vendor.min.js:39:16683)
    at Fe (vendor.min.js:39:16837)
    at vendor.min.js:39:35605
    at Tr (vendor.min.js:39:35699)

Container definition

// Please add your entire container defintion here so issues
// are easy to reproduce
Container::make('post_meta', __('Branch Details', 'tribus-branch-finder'))
            ->where('post_type', '=', 'branches')
                    Field::make('text', 'branch_contact_number', __('Branch Contact Number', 'tribus-branch-finder')),
                    Field::make('map', 'branch_location', __('Branch Location', 'tribus-branch-finder'))
                        ->set_help_text(__('Drag the marker to set the exact location or enter the address below', 'tribus-branch-finder')),
                    Field::make('textarea', 'branch_full_address', __('Full Address', 'tribus-branch-finder'))
                        ->set_help_text(__('Enter the full address including street, town, and postcode.', 'tribus-branch-finder'))
                        ->set_attribute('placeholder', 'e.g., 158a Cromwell Road, London, SW7 4EJ'),
                    Field::make('text', 'branch_zone', __('Zone', 'tribus-branch-finder')),
                    Field::make('text', 'branch_region', __('Region', 'tribus-branch-finder')),
                    Field::make('text', 'branch_store_code', __('Store Code', 'tribus-branch-finder')),
                    Field::make('text', 'branch_store_number', __('Store Number', 'tribus-branch-finder')),
                    Field::make('text', 'branch_nutrio_ranging', __('Nutrio Ranging', 'tribus-branch-finder')),
                    Field::make('text', 'branch_nutrio_match', __('Nutrio Name Match', 'tribus-branch-finder')),
                    Field::make('text', 'branch_cluster_area', __('Cluster/Area', 'tribus-branch-finder')),
                    Field::make('text', 'branch_store_type', __('Store Type', 'tribus-branch-finder')),
                    Field::make('text', 'branch_name', __('Store Name', 'tribus-branch-finder')),
                    Field::make('text', 'branch_telephone', __('Telephone', 'tribus-branch-finder')),
                    Field::make('text', 'branch_store_manager', __('Store Manager', 'tribus-branch-finder')),
                    Field::make('multiselect', 'branch_store_products', __('Products', 'tribus-branch-finder'))
                            'full_fat' => 'Full Fat',
                            'semi_skimmed' => 'Semi Skimmed',
                            'skimmed' => 'Skimmed',
                        ->set_help_text('Select the products available in this store.')

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. add items to multiselect
  2. try remove last item


Please add any other comments here
If I get time I'll try look into this issue and apply a fix PR but just raising the issue for now.