
Example web app with Play 2.7 and Kamon 2.x.

Start on PROD mode

Run the app using the class play.core.server.ProdServerStart as entry point and pass kanela agent by providing the JVM option: -javaagent:path/to/kanela-agent-{version}.jar

JVM params example for easier setting up:

-Dpidfile.path=/dev/null -javaagent:~/.ivy2/cache/io.kamon/kanela-agent/jars/kanela-agent-1.0.0-RC2.jar

Kamon status view

While the app is running you can easily check the kamon instrumentation status by opening on your browser http://localhost:5266/.

Feature of Kamon introduced

  • Propagate HTTP headers.
  • Generate new tag value if it's not provided by the request headers (implemented by class support.kamon.HeadersPropagation).
  • Expose tags on logback.

Requests examples

curl --request GET \
  --url http://localhost:9000/dummy/outgoing-request \
  --header 'x-custom-trace-id: cspinetta-trace-id-1' \
  --header 'x-forwarded-for: cspinetta-laptop-2'


  • Propagate HTTP headers in DEV mode.
    • If the config requires load a class, it fails because the class loader used by Kanela can't see it
    • For any another change, the new config is not visible for kamon-instrumentation-common.
  • Return HTTP tags on response headers.