
Open Geo Tracing

Primary LanguageHTML


trace route

Notes: some people estimate that 80% of all traffic is VIDEO related.. so the question is... whats the parts of that? after talking with the various building managers about putting up NO WIRELESS signs at the school... most people like the idea of NO WIRELESS they just dont like the idea of DOGMATIC LAWS that eventually force people to do something electronically. we need some tools that measure responsibility... I really love the idea of building a global wireless map thats live and available to the public showing essential what type of data is being transmitted and creating various cangigories including pornograph so that the public can see the problem. overall do we have a wireless map that shows "force" and how much people are forced to do things vs not forced? by AI? the other idea is a TX map vs an RX map... in terms of TRANSMIT AND OVERALL RECIEVE... clearly we want to have a MAP that doesn't hurt people and limits the AI (tx data to humans) all maps should be global... its really fun to see a global map... before we create these maps... it might help to have some "statistical" knowledge in terms of what types of "additional side checkboxes" so that users can select what statistical functions they want to use... I'm thinking their might be 10 of them... so for example... some data is not possible to "get at" so we need to have statistical functions that guess at what that data might be and then some checkboxes for each category... I'm a bit worried that the AI might be able to prevent us from seeing some time of data... a new startup or a group of people maybe are needed to focus JUST ON MAPPING and it should be internatilly traveled... so the group needs to go to each company... "open the AI door" and say... before you work on AI... we need you to have a mapping team... so that you can measure the various risks globally... the best solution is having a AI BLOCKER that is distributed and similar to pornblocker... so is there a way to do these settings with a agreed "backdoor" to adblocker where people setup their own forms of AI BLOCKER and then view the various AI TX / RX global maps ... I think each test should be done over 1 month... and with a biwikeekly update... there is a lot of questions on how do we see the overall system working... if the end result is having no centralization... then we need to have a DECENTRALIZED BLOCKER. with many user settings... so that people can pick... the other point is does anyone know how strong the aurora or magnetic fields are that are from the earth without human interference... I"m still worried about the 1/1,000,000,000,000 (trillionth of a watt problem) and the maps should also include the statistic measurement based on humber of people and then if each person was transmitting say TX = 5,10,100,1000,10000 MB a day or RX... and then looking at the health MAP side.. so my feeling is that no area of the map should have more then 10 (mV) millivolts at any instant and no more then 20 mWatts per day... so the map should also be in mWatts. we should have cubic CENTIMETER Visibility in all the maps... however, the the other map should be larger... and fast load times... many of the new companies need to have a "accelerator function" that specially speeds up load times... and also we could have a situation that checked (security wise) each function call... and a map of function calls... globally... if you are very stressed about building this code.. here is the sample code... I tested this and it works... it just needs some SVG (standard vector graphics overlay functions). I also have jCSV JavaScript CSV Reader, (because we need to load in data) its also very important to work with both google and open street maps... the API for that is jMAP Create Maps using the OpenStreet Maps API or Google Maps API. ... anyway... the other project is the "PARTYATLAS.org" so that after this is all over we can see where the parties are... all the graphics overlay functions are "graphics" https://github.com/htmlfarmer?tab=repositories. https://github.com/htmlfarmer/telegraph (a global timing map for delay would also be interesting to see... for both mobile data, normal wireless, and also fiber, and ethernet)