
Fast And Cheap Proof Verification. Accelerating the Ethereum roadmap by simplifying ZK adoption.

Aligned Layer

Fast And Cheap Proof Verification. Accelerating the Ethereum roadmap by simplifying ZK adoption.

0szR3LkkCdWATnRyNr9wy Official Links: WebsiteXDiscordTelegramGalxe

➤ Getting Started

Update & Upgrade Packages

sudo apt update -y
sudo apt upgrade -y

Install curl

sudo apt-get install curl -y

➤ Download and install Aligned Proofs

curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yetanotherco/aligned_layer/main/batcher/aligned/install_aligned.sh | bash

• run this command if you are using a VPS

source /root/.bashrc

• run this command if you are using a Gitpod

source /home/gitpod/.bashrc

➤ Download an example SP1 proof & ELF file


curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yetanotherco/aligned_layer/main/batcher/aligned/get_proof_test_files.sh | bash

➤ Send the proof

rm -rf ~/aligned_verification_data/ &&
aligned submit \
--proving_system SP1 \
--proof ~/.aligned/test_files/sp1_fibonacci.proof \
--vm_program ~/.aligned/test_files/sp1_fibonacci-elf \
--aligned_verification_data_path ~/aligned_verification_data \
--conn wss://batcher.alignedlayer.com


You should get a response like the blue block in the image above ⬆️

Click and Copy your the Explorer Block LinkSure, and you will also see the image below ⬇️


➤ Check the status of your transaction

aligned verify-proof-onchain \
--aligned-verification-data ~/aligned_verification_data/*.json \
--rpc https://ethereum-holesky-rpc.publicnode.com \
--chain holesky

✅You should get this result:

[2024-06-17T21:58:43Z INFO  aligned] Your proof was verified in Aligned and included in the batch!

❌If the proof wasn't verified you should get this result:

[2024-06-17T21:59:09Z INFO  aligned] Your proof was not included in the batch.

➤ Take A Screenshoot, upload to X and Discord



X Post Template: IMG_4986

Just submitted a proof via @alignedlayer
I am now #aligned ✅

[Paste Your Block Explorer Link]


Discord Post Template: image