Store Management System

Store Management System is a web application that allows store owners to manage their stores and customers to search for stores.

Table of Contents


To run this project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  2. Install the project dependencies (if missing):

    npm install
  3. Update database config at db.config.js: Open the db.config.js file and make the necessary changes to the database configuration, including the database, username, and password fields. For example:

    // db.config.js
     const dbConfig = {
         host: 'your-host',
         username: 'your-database-username',
         password: 'your-database-password',
         database: 'your-database-name',
         dialect: 'postgres',
         operatorsAliases: false,
         pool: {
         max: 5,
         min: 0,
         acquire: 30000,
         idle: 10000,
  4. Start server:

    yarn start
  5. Start in the development environemtn:

    yarn dev


  1. Register as a Store Owner: Store owners can register by sending a POST request to /api/owners/register. The request body should include details like full name, phone number, email, etc.

    Example JSON request body:

      "fullName": "John Anderson",
      "phoneNumber": "0123456789",
      "email": "",
      "dateOfBirth": "1997-08-09",
      "avatar": "johnanderson.jpg",
      "gender": "Male"
  2. Register a Store: After registration, store owners can send a POST request to /api/stores/register to create a new store.

    Example JSON request body:

      "name": "Toslie Dress",
      "logo": "store_logo.jpg",
      "address": "4087 Geraldine Lane, Pontotoc City, Texas State, United States",
      "phoneNumber": "333-444-5555",
      "email": "",
      "ownerId": "{existed owner-id}"
  3. Find Stores by Owner ID: Users can find stores by sending a GET request to /api/stores/{ownerId}, where {ownerId} is the ID of the store owner.