
Memory game, cards on different topics, number of cards is also optional

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Memory Games

This web application provides memory games on different topics. On the main page there is a menu, from where the user can choose the topic that is likeable for her/him. 1

After the user chose the wanted topic, she/he can choose the number of cards. 2

For example, on the next screenshot the topic is animal and the number of cards is 24. Screenshot from 2023-03-21 13-10-45

By clicking on the cards the user can't turn more than 2 cards over at once. Screenshot from 2023-03-21 13-14-18

If the 2 face-up cards are not a pair, then the cards are turned over by themselves. If the 2 face-up cards are a pair, then the cards disappear and blue frames appear in their places.

Screenshot from 2023-03-21 13-19-52 Screenshot from 2023-03-21 13-20-31

If all the pairs are found, all the blue frames disappear and a message appears. Afterwards the user can choose a topic and the number of cards to play again. Screenshot from 2023-03-21 13-23-05