FridgeMate is the essential companion app to the most common utility found in every modern household. It helps the user keep on top of items in the fridge and plan out meals to avoid waste. It enables easily managing a shared fridge by streamlining the food sharing experience without worrying about crossing boundaries. It can also suggest the clueless user recipes of what to do with the ingredients in the fridge. With these features, FridgeMate would enrich the household experience and help prevent the food wastage problem.
Existing Users for the App (you can use them to log in):
User 1 : (clean account)
Password : ucsdbest
User 2 : (with pre-populated data)
Password : nicefridge
User 3 :
Password : nicefridge
Download on Play Store. Compatible with Android phones with version 5.0 or above.
System : Android 5.0+, connected to WiFi, Google Services Framework installed
RAM : >= 1 GB
Size : 40MB
Version : Release 2.1
- If any unexpected behavior occurs, try refreshing the app by swipe down to refresh.
- If the issue persists, quit and relaunch the app.
- For persistent crashes, please submit post an Issue with precice description. Possible bugs will be fixed asap.
General Questions
Quick Add, OCR Receipt Recognition:
Bingjie (Helen) Zhou
(858) 247-8903
Fridge Families, General Firebase:
Coleen Wu
(626) 466-7370
Recipe Suggestion:
Cameron Gropp
(661) 803-5530