Send commands through Simrad AP44 AutoPilot Controller
d2snc opened this issue · 2 comments
d2snc commented
Hello, excellent work by the way, I'm trying to command my simrad ac12 autopilot through NMEA2000 sentences and I saw that the AP44 emulator would be very useful, would it be possible to also send commands through the AP44? I saw that the PGN130850 allows sending commands to the autopilot
I will try to set the AP44 emulator on and send the PGN130850 directly into nmea2000 network to see if anything changes
htool commented
It currently emulates the AC12 and the PGNs it listens to can be used to command a real AC12.
In the code you'd find those and can play around with them.
d2snc commented
Ok, I'll test it here and send a pull request with the modified code if I'm successful, thanks!