
📦 Kambria Codebase CLI

Primary LanguageC

Kambria Codebase CLI (kbcb)

Kambria codebase CLI is a command-line tool that afilitates developers to integrate their repositories to Kambria codebase system.

How to install

For Debian

You can download the newest version and then install with root user.

sudo gdebi -n <path_to_the_package>

Or you may want to select another version of package. You could browse the packages folder by yourself. Click here!

For MacOS

At the moment, the package is deliveried via Homebrew. First, you need to install homebrew and then install kbcb. If you have already installed homebrew, let's go forward,

brew update
brew install kbcb

How to use

You should be in root folder of your repository.

kbcb init

Create your authentication key on Kambria Codebase website and add it to .kambriarc file.

Now you can push and do anything with your repo as usual.

For help,

kbcb --help

For contributors

This package is based on CMake to build package. The files you need to focus are build.sh, start.sh and debian/changelog.


The building machine must be a Debian distro.

CMake (Both Debian and MacOS needed)

sudo apt-get install cmake

Debian build tools

sudo apt-get install dh-make devscripts

MacOs build tools

You only need homebrew.


You need to update this file frequently when you want to update the upstream package or release a new one.

The package version is followed debian standard <version-revision>.

If you would like to update the upstream package, update the revision.

If you would like to release the new one, change the version.


This file let you build and test the package in development environment.

To run (stay at the source root),

sh start.sh

Then, you can test by,



This file let you build the package in production environment. the built bundles would appear in packages folder.

You may have to clearify some info like arch, version for build process.

To build (stay at the source root),

sh build.sh