
Interactive datatable for ractive.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Live Demo


npm install ractive-datatable --save


  • Minimal (3.45kb gzipped including styles, 1.71kb without)
  • Well designed default styling
  • Cell Editing
  • Pagination (incl. navigation buttons)
  • Filtering (with sexy highlights)
  • Sorting
  • Per-cell partials (new!)
  • Selection (new!) (wip!)


Add the datatable to your Ractive instance:

    components: {
        datatable: require('ractive-datatable')

Use it

<datatable data='{{data}}' on-edit='dataedited' config='{{config}}' filter='{{filter}}'></datatable>

Includes minimal styling under the class .ractive-datatable. Styles are included in the javascript and added to the page on load. If you don't want these styles in the javascript, require() src/datatable.js and handle the styles as needed.

To use a specific partial for a cell, create an inline partial expression inside the tag of the component:

<datatable data='{{data}}' on-edit='dataedited' config='{{config}}' filter='{{filter}}'>
    {{#partial timestamp}}
        {{ moment(this).fromNow() }}

Will render every row in the "timestamp" column with the passed in partial (in this case formatting the timestamp using moment.js).



data: Array of Objects where each key is a column

editable: globally allow/disallow editing

filter: A string to filter the rows on. Searches through all cells with a case-insensitive RegEx and displays only rows that match. Cells with matches are highlighted.

dynamicColumns: If true (default), searches the entire data array looking for columns. If false, columns must be explicitly provided through the columns property. If you have a large number of rows this should be turned off for performance, but you will have to explicitly provide columns via the columns object.

columns: Determines the ordering of the columns and configuration for specific columns.

Each key on this object refers to column names. Configurable properties are edit, display & order. Keys and column names are case-sensitive.


columns: {
    'name': {order: 0}, // `order` "bumps" the column, lowest value is left most. 
    'created': {edit: false},
    'id': {edit: false},
    'hiddenField': {display: false},
    'anotherHidden': false, //shorthand for { display: false }
    'someOtherColumn': {order: 3},

If dynamicColumns is false, only columns configured here will display.

selectionMode: Either row or cell (WIP). Allows for rows to be selected on click

selection: An array of the currently selected objects from data

page: the current page

lastPage (readonly): the last page or total number of pages

sortOn: Name of column to sort

sortMode: Either 'asc' or 'desc'


previousPage: Go to the previous page

nextPage: Go to the next page

gotoPage: Go to the specified page


edit: Dispatched when an edit is made. Sends the entire row and the field that is edited (useful for extracting specific information from the row that changed).

this.on('dataedited', function(row, field) {
    var change = {};
    change.id = row.id;
    change[field] = row[field];

For other events you probably would be better off using Ractive's observers on your datatable instance and the property you want.

Open to PRs and stuff. I'm around.