
:gun: :hocho: module for getting item price data from steam community market for CS:GO

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simplified CSGO skin pricing API

Straight from Steam's community market

Use case:

var csgomarket = require('csgo-market');

csgomarket.getSinglePrice('AK-47', 'Vulcan', 'Factory New', null, function (err, data) {

  if (err) {
    console.error('ERROR', err);
  } else {


// If you want to disable strictNameMode.
csgomarket.strictNameMode = false;

// Notice the missing '-' in AK 47. With strictNameMode off it will internally swap to 'AK-47'.
csgomarket.getSinglePrice('AK 47', 'Vulcan', 'Factory New', null, function (err, data) {

  if (err) {
    console.error('ERROR', err);
  } else {


Example output from above code (prices will always return in USD):

  "success": true,
  "lowest_price": "$80.50",
  "volume": "48",
  "median_price": "$80.01",
  "wep": "AK-47",
  "skin": "Vulcan",
  "wear": "Factory New",
  "stattrak": false
  • Lowest price: $80.50
  • Median price: $80.01
  • 48 sold/bought on the market


Each function returns data from the Steam market to callback with 2 arguments (err, data) where data is the response if successful, otherwise, err will be populated with a message.

getSinglePrice(wep, skin, wear, stattrak, callback)

  • wep: Name of the weapon to be requested. Ex: 'AK-47'.
  • skin: Name of the skin to be requested. Ex: 'Vulcan'.
  • wear: Wear of the skin to be requested. These options are available: Factory New, Minimal Wear, Field-Tested, Well-Worn, and Battle-Scarred. Defaults to 'Field-Tested' but a Levenshtein distance will be used to ensure a match.
  • stattrak: Boolean which signifies if you want StatTrak to be included in the request or not. Defaults to false
  • callback: Callback function which returns the request data. function(err, data).

getSingleKnifePrice(knife, skin, wear, stattrak, callback)

  • knife: Name of the knife to be requested. Ex: 'Karambit'.
  • skin: Name of the skin to be requested. Ex: 'Crimson Web'. Note: If skin is set to null then it will request the version of the Knife with no skin. example of a knife with no skin
  • wear: Wear of the skin to be requested. These options are available: Factory New, Minimal Wear, Field-Tested, Well-Worn, and Battle-Scarred. Defaults to 'Field-Tested' but a Levenshtein distance will be used to ensure a match. Note: If skin is set to null wear will also be set to null.
  • stattrak: Boolean which signifies if you want StatTrak to be included in the request or not. Defaults to false
  • callback: Callback function which returns the request data. function(err, data).

getSingleStickerPrice(stickerName, foil, callback)

  • stickerName: Name of the Sticker to be requested Note: Do not include the initial 'Sticker | ' infront of the sticker name. Also, do not include '(Foil)' within the name. Ex: 'Robo' or 'kennyS | Cologne 2015'.
  • foil: Boolean which signifies if you want the (Foil) option included in the request. Note: Not all stickers have foil counterparts.
  • callback: Callback function which returns the request data. function(err, data).

getSingleKeyPrice(key, callback)

  • key: Name of the key to be requested. Supports any Case Key and the eSports key. Does not support capsule keys currently. Example strings you can pass in: 'Chroma', 'Winter Offensive' or 'eSports'. 'Key' or 'Case Key' do not need to be added to the name.

  • callback: Callback function which returns the request data. function(err, data).

Asyncrhonous Methods

getSinglePriceAsync(wep, skin, wear, statrak)

Same parameters minus the callback as the non-async version. Promisified version of the getSinglePrice method (Example usage below).

getSingleKnifePriceAsync(knife, skin, wear, stattrak)

Same parameters minus the callback as the non-async version. Promisified version of the getSingleKnifePrice method.

getSingleStickerPriceAsync(stickerName, foil)

Same parameters minus the callback as the non-async version. Promisified version of the getSingleStickerPrice method.


Same parameters minus the callback as the non-async version. Promisified version of the getSingleKeyPrice method.

Use case:

var csgomarket = require('csgo-market');
var Q = require('q');

var wears = ['Factory New', 'Minimal Wear',
  'Field-Tested', 'Well-Worn', 'Battle-Scarred'];

var data = {
  prices : [{
    weapon : "AWP",
    cached : false,
    skins : ['Asiimov', 'BOOM', 'Man-o\'-war'],
    skinData : {}

var getPrice = function(theData) {
  var promises = [];
  theData.skins.forEach(function(skin) {
    theData.skinData[skin] = {};
    wears.forEach(function(wear) {
      promises.push(csgomarket.getSinglePriceAsync(theData.weapon, skin, wear, false).then(function(data) {
        theData.skinData[skin][wear] = data;
  return Q.allSettled(promises).then(function() {
    return theData;

getPrice(data.prices[0]).then(function(results) {
  // Do something with returned results here.


Capitalization is important for passed in values. If you are unsure of the exact name/spelling/capitilization/punctuation of a weapon and/or skin I highly recommend checking the community market as a reference or turning off strictNameMode by using csgomarket.strictNameMode = false;. Turning strictNameMode off will attempt to match a passed in string with a Weapon or Knife that exists in the game if the string is not formatted correctly. Does not affect passed in Key, Sticker, or Skin names.

Main goals to add in the near future:

  • Method for all wears given a particular gun and skin or knife and skin.

This module is still under-development and this is just the first iteration.

If you have any suggestions I am open to add additional functionality! I'd like to keep it small, but I'd love feedback. Email me at nick.b.duncan@gmail.com